Chapter 9

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Wilbur POV

"See you!" Sapnap shouted. I nodded and waved at him. I continued walking to my class. 136... Oh SHIT! Wrong way! I quickly ran the other way, It's okay. I have 15 minutes until class starts. I continued to walk until I saw Dream. He was getting out of a car and the driver was waving at him. The driver had blonde hair, like Dreams, and blue eyes. He also wore a white hoodie. "Bye! Love you!" The driver shouted. "Love you too!" Dream said back. My heart immediately dropped. Everything went down. 

Love you? HE HAS A BOYFRIEND? How come I didn't know this? I didn't know what to think anymore. I like Dream, but he has a boyfriend. That feels and sounds so wrong. I can't like someone who's taken! I've never been told this. Is this secret? Recent?

I sighed, still feeling confused and a little hurt. I avoided Dream and went to my class, sitting down in the back row.

Dream POV

I saw Wilbur sitting at the back. He looked up, saw me, and quickly looked down. I blinked in confusion. "Hey Wilbur!" I said. He gave me a quick wave without even looking up. He was clearly giving off the "Idon'twanttotalktoyou" vibes. 

Confused, and a little bit hurt, I sat somewhere else. I made a mental note to ask Sapnap if something happened later. 


Everyone was packing up, and talking with their friends. I saw Wilbur quickly get up and leave. I quickly chased after him, "Hi!" He seemed to be very interested in the ground. "Uh, hi." Before I could say anything further, he just walked away. Now I was extremely confused. Wilbur never walked away from a conversation like that. 

I decided not to follow him, maybe he was having a bad day. He probably just wants to be alone. I'll just talk to him tomorrow. I nodded confidently, Yeah. That's it. 

I found George near the cafeteria and ran over to him, needing to take my mind off of Wilbur for now. 


Sapnap POV

"Hey man!" I shouted, running up to Wilbur. He looked up at me and gave me a small smile, "Hi." We walked to our lockers and got our stuff for the next class, which we have together. 

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to invite Dream with us at lunch today. And George. We can't forget George." He quickly shook his head, "Uh. No that's okay. Let's just hang out together." I was slightly confused and worried. That was the first time Wilbur has ever not wanted to hang out with Dream. 

He started walking quicker, seeming very invested in his empty inbox. I caught up with him, "What's wrong? What's bugging you." He just shrugged. I let out an exasperated sigh. I was going to say something more but decided against it. If he needs to tell me, he'll tell me.


Wilbur POV

"Wilbur Soot. Please enter audition room 2." The announcement said. Everyone stared at me as I walked in, tightly holding my guitar. When I walked in, there was a group of kids. Two girls, two boys. I recognized one of them from one of my classes. 

One of the girls looked down at a piece of paper and looked back up, "Wilbur, right?" I nodded in response. "Good to meet you. I'm Niki, this is Puffy, Jack, and Sneeg." I waved at them. 

"I'm Wilbur," I said before realizing that they already knew that. 

"So Wilbur, what would you like to do in this band? Don't be nervous. We don't bite." Niki said, reassuring me. 

"Yeah! We only stare at you and judge your every single movement." Jack said sarcastically. The other boy quickly scolded him, kicking his leg. I let out a nervous laugh. 

"Um, I like to play the guitar. I can also play the piano. I can also sing." I said. I cringed inwardly. That sounds like I'm showing off! 


I'm pretty sure that's what an audition is though, it's basically just showing off. I shook myself out of my thoughts. Sometimes I argue with myself.

"Wow! That's great, do you want to play something for us?" I nodded. "Uh, sure." 

I took out my guitar, you got this. Just play and sing, pretend you're playing in front of Tommy. The thought of Tommy reassured me and calmed me down a little bit. I strummed a few strings. 

Life isn't quite what I thought I'd be

When I was a kid on VOIP

I thought when I get older

I'd marry her, I told her

Now I'm 26 and I work in an office

9 til 5's not the best, I'll be honest

If I could change a single thing

I'd make it me and not him

But he's in your bed

and I'm in your twich chat

I've got the key and he's just a doormat

and even though he's got social skills

That doesn't mean I can't pay the bills

Anyways make the most of him

Cuz she moves on pretty bloody quick

oh oh

Your new boyfriend's an arsehole


I finished with a couple of more chords before nervously putting down my guitar. "That's a section of a song I'm writing right now." They were all staring at me, it was making me start to get nervous. 

Puffy was the first one to speak. "That was... amazing. You have such a great talent!" I smiled in relief, "Thank you." 

"Well, I don't think we need to see or hear anymore. The results will come out in the next few days. Make sure to check your school email!" Niki said, opening the door for me to go out. I smiled at her before saying a quick goodbye. 

Sapnap was waiting for me at the entrance of the school with Tommy. "How'd it go!" Tommy shouted as soon as he saw me. I grinned, "Pretty good. I think they were impressed." 

Sapnap gave me a hug, "No shit, if they weren't impressed, there is something wrong with them." I laughed at that. 

"LET'S GO! You promised me McDonalds!" Tommy shouted, walking to the exit of the school. Sapnap and I looked at each other and grinned before following him.



1021 words! I have so many book ideas so I'm going to try and update as much as possible. I want to get to all of them. Anyways, bye!

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