Chapter 10

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Sapnap POV

"Chocolate is better, you're tripping," I said. Wilbur's jaw dropped, "HOW DARE YOU! Vanilla is the soul of my life!" He said, pointing his finger at me accusingly. 

"Vanilla is way too sweet man, that's something Tommy would enjoy." 

"FUCK YOU SAPNAP! I was going to take your side on chocolate UNTIL YOU SAID THAT!" Tommy shouted, trying to punch me. 

"YEAH TOMMY! LET'S KILL SAPNAP!" Wilbur cheered as Tommy tried, and failed, to hurt me. 

"Woah woah woah. I thought we were having a friendly debate."



Wilbur POV

"That was enough exercise for the whole week," Sapnap said, panting as we lay on the grass. Tommy and I nodded in agreement. 

"Do you want to go to the park?" He asked us, turning around so he was facing me. 

"Don't you have a date with Big Q and Karl?" I asked, slightly confused. Tommy made a gagging sound as soon as I said the word 'date'. 

Sapnap lightly punched Tommy and said, "Nope, that's tomorrow." 

"Ewwww. Can you not talk about the icky when I'm around?" Tommy said, whining and complaining. I rolled my eyes. I was going to say that it'd be fine to go to the park until Dream came along. 

He was walking on the field and didn't notice us at first. "AY DREAM!" Sapnap shouted. Dream turned around and saw us. He smiled and waved. I looked down, trying to find an excuse. 

"Uh, Tommy and I need to go home actually. I have a lot of homework and I can't leave Tommy here. NEXT TIME!" I didn't give him time before grabbing Tommy's arm and running in the other direction, not even caring if it was the right way. 

"What the fuck? We don't have to go home!" Tommy exclaimed. 

"Uh, yes we do. I have a lot of homework, I said!" I said quickly, even though it was a complete lie. 

"But you said that you didn't have any home-"

"Anyways, how was school for you today?" I said, trying to change the topic. Tommy immediately fell for it, going on a rant about his teachers and Tubbo and Ranboo. 


Dream POV

I watched as Wilbur grabbed Tommy and quickly left. That was kind of weird. I approached Sapnap and he was also confused. "Did you say or do something to Wilbur?" He asked. 

"Huh? No, I didn't even speak to him today." I said. 

"He ran off because he said he had a lot of homework, but 5 minutes ago he was telling Tommy and me how he got no homework."

What the fuck? Did I do something? "Uh, maybe something urgent came up and he needed to go and used that as an excuse." 

Sapnap shrugged, "That sounds reasonable. We're probably looking too far into it." 

I nodded, agreeing with everything he was saying. Although, I couldn't quite shake off the feeling that Wilbur left because of me. I didn't do anything... right?


"Bye Punz!" I said as I got out of the car. He smiled at me, "Bye, love you. Don't do anything stupid." 

"Hey! Have some faith in me!" I protested, grabbing my bag from the trunk. 

"Last time I did that, you and Sapnap turn on the fire alarm." He said, chuckling at me. 

I rolled my eyes, "But that was last time. This time I won't." He raised an eyebrow at me, snorting. 

"Uh huh. Now get to school. I got shit to do." I scoffed and started walking to the school building. 

"LOVE YOU!" Punz shouted. I rolled my eyes, he always does this whenever we playfully argue. 

"LOVE YOU TOO!" I shouted back. 


I walked to the field and saw Wilbur and his little brother, Tommy. Tommy saw me and tapped Wilbur's shoulder, excitedly waving at me. I smiled and waved back. Wilbur saw me and we made eye contact. I waved at him too and he gave me a small wave before talking to Tommy about something. 

I approached them. "Oh hi Dream! Um, I can't speak right now, I have to go and work on a project with my partner! I said I'd meet with them today. Bye!" He said in a hurry. He didn't let me speak before running off. Is he avoiding me? Why does he always have an excuse every time I get close? 

I turned to Tommy who was frowning. "He keeps acting all weird when you're around, did you do something?" He turned to me with an accusing look. I put my hands up, "No! I swear I didn't do or say a single thing."

Tommy narrowed his eyes at me, making me feel slightly uncomfortable, "If I find out that you did something to my brother, we're going to have some fucking problems." 

I nodded quickly, "Okay! No problem with me." Thankfully, George was approaching us and Tommy had to stop and give me a nasty glare. 

"Dream! Tommy! Where's Wilbur?" George said, bounding over to us. "He said he had a project, but I know he doesn't have shit," Tommy said. 

George tilted his head to the side, a sign of confusion, "Huh. Really?" We both nodded. Tommy sat down on the grass, watching as George and I talked about school and stuff. 


"If you boring fuckers don't mind, I'm going to head over to Tubs and Ranboo now," Tommy exclaimed, jumping up and running to his friends. I rolled my eyes, "That kid sure knows how to speak." George laughed, "You'll get used to it. He's actually pretty funny. Literally the opposite from Wilbur." 

I smiled, "Yeah. I can tell. Tommy has no worries about anything, does whatever he wants." 

"Oi! Sapnap! Get your ass over here!" George shouted, seeing Sapnap waiting at the front entrance. Sapnap didn't seem to hear us. 

"SAPNAP!" We both shouted. All the students turned to look at us, and then looked away. Sapnap finally heard us and made his way over. 

"What? I was waiting for Wilbur. He said he'd meet me there." Sapnap said, grumbling. 

George let out a noise of confusion, "But he said he had a project to work on this morning." 

The smile I had earlier immediately dropped from my face. Wait. So that means that Wilbur did make an excuse. And he said it as soon as I came over. What did I do?


1061 words! Guys, I'm really really really incredibly sorry for not updating as often as I should be. I'm a little bit busy right now. Thanks for understanding! 

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