Chapter 11

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Dream POV

This went on for a few days. It was always Wilbur running away from me. And I don't know what I did! He always seemed to be worried or nervous when he sees me. I was starting to get really worried. 


"Could you ask Wilbur what's going on? He's always running away whenever I try to talk to him." I asked Sapnap one day when we were talking. Sapnap frowned at me, "I don't know man. It seems like he really doesn't want you to know. I don't want to betray him."

I sighed, looking down at my feet, thinking. I just really want to know what the fuck I did. "Please?" I asked. 

"Okay. I'll ask, but if I think you shouldn't know, I'm not going to tell you." He said. I smiled gratefully at him, knowing that was the best I was going to get. Thank god I have Sapnap. I think I'd be dead if it weren't for him. 

"Thanks man."

He laughed, shaking his head. "Don't mention it." 


Sapnap POV

I waited at my locker, scrolling through twitter. Shit, Minecraft's getting a new update? Damn. I clicked on the post, scrolling through the comments, trying to find more information on it. 

"BOO!" I screamed, dropping my phone. Wilbur stood in front of me, laughing at my reaction. 

"You should've seen yourself! You're so red right now!" I rolled my eyes, picking up my phone and scanning for any cracks. Thankfully, there were none.

"You could've broken my phone!" I exclaimed. He laughed, wiping a tear away from his eyes, "But I didn't!"

I rolled my eyes again, grinning at him. He smiled, "Anyways, wanna go out for lunch? Tommy and I found this really cool place the other day. I wanna show it to you." 

"Sure! We should invite George and Dream. I'm sure they'd want to see it too." I could tell his demeanor immediately changed. His smile faltered, "Uh, maybe another time. I want to spend some time with you alone since we haven't hung out that often lately." 

I laughed, "Oh c'mon. Don't give me that sappy shit. It'll be more fun!" I was about to walk off and find Dream when he grabbed me. "No no, I mean it. Let's just go." His voice was slightly strained and panicked. I felt bad for him, but I knew that I needed to ask him. Okay, this is your chance. Don't mess this up.

"Why don't you like Dream anymore? You always seem to disappear when he's around." He opened his mouth and nothing came out, like he was struggling to find the words. 

"I- no, what do you mean? I just want to hang out with you!" He said, a little bit too quickly. I raised an eyebrow at him, "Uh huh. I know you man, just tell me. I'm not going to make fun of you or anything." 

He looked around, "Follow me." Confused, I let him lead me into an empty classroom. "Okay. Look. The other day I was walking around and saw Dream get out of a car. The driver was this blonde guy with blue eyes. He yelled at Dream 'love you!' and Dream said 'love you too!' That means they're dating!" He rushed through the story, as if not wanting to linger on the topic. 

My jaw dropped. There's no fucking way! Dream told me he likes Wilbur! He absolutely does not have a boyfriend. What's going on? "Are you sure you didn't mishear them?" Wilbur shook his head, "It was clear as day!" I frowned.



"Nah, the new caves are dangerous as fuck." I said. Dream rolled his eyes, "Your such a pussy! You just need to run in there and light it all up. You literally have fucking diamond armor!" 

"Nuh uh!" I said. Dream sighed and fell on my bed, frustrated with me. "C'mon!" 

We sat in silence for a bit longer as I gathered iron and redstone. 



"Are you dating anyone?" 

He choked on his water, almost spilling it all over my sheets. "What the fuck? Course not. I literally told you that I like Wilbur!" I hummed. "Are you sure? No blonde guy with blue eyes?" 

He choked on his water again, "You mean my brother? Punz?" Wait, what? The fuck? I paused my game and turned around to face him. "Does your brother ever drop you off to school?" He nodded. 

"Loads. I always make him." I blinked at him for a few moments longer and then turned back to my game, not as concentrated as before. So it was a misunderstanding! Brothers say 'love you' to each other a bunch. No wonder. I have to tell Wilbur. 

"Speaking of Wilbur, have you found out what has been going on?" I paused, wondering if I should tell him. If I'm about to fix everything, there's no use in telling Dream. He doesn't need to know. 

"Nah, he won't tell me. I'm sure he'll come around though. He always does." I replied, hoping that'd do the trick. To my relief, Dream stopped asking about it and went back to scrolling on his phone. 


Wilbur POV

I opened my locker, grabbing the things I needed. Textbook, pencil case, notebook, computer... that's all, right? I looked through everything in my locker one more time, trying to see if I missed anything. "Wilbur!" I heard someone shout. I looked over my shoulder and saw Sapnap coming toward me. I waved at him.

"Hey!" He got to his locker and opened it, "How's it going?" I shrugged in response, closing my locker. 

"Oh yeah! I have to tell you something. Can we go somewhere more private?" I nodded, "Sure." He got his stuff from his locker and I followed him to an emptier hallway. 

"Guess what." I rolled my eyes at him, "Spit it."

"Y'know how you told me about Dream? I found out that the blonde guy was just his brother. You misunderstood the whole situation." It took me a few seconds to process this information. Wait...

"What?!" I whisper shouted. "You're telling me that I've been ignoring him this whole time for no reason?" I smacked myself in the forehead. Now he surely hates me! 

He must've seen my reaction because he quickly said, "Don't worry about it though. I'm sure you can fix it. He probably thinks you're just busy or something." I didn't listen to him, mentally beating myself up. 

"I've been completely avoiding him, he probably thinks I'm a loser now. Goddamnit, I lost my chance!" Sapnap grabbed my shoulders and shook me, "LISTEN! It's going to be okay. Dream is a very understanding person. You don't even have to explain to him, he'll just be happy that you're not ignoring him anymore. Stop stressing about it. I'll help you out." 

I exhaled deeply, "Okay. Thanks, Sap." He grinned at me again, glad that my spirits were lifting, "No problem." 


1148 words! I'm trying to update as much as possible. Sorry for being slower. Tell me what you think about this chapter though. 

I want your opinion on this, should I:

1) End it on a cute happy note (this will make the book shorter)


2) End it on a cute happy note AFTER some stuff happens (this will extend the book)

PLEASE VOTE IN THE COMMENTS and have a lovely day. 

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