Chapter 12

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Sapnap POV

I walked into school, looking around for Wilbur. I saw him sitting on a bench, scrolling on his phone. I excitedly ran to him. He looked up, startled, "Woah. What's the rush?"

"You didn't see?"

He looked confused. "Huh?" I rolled my eyes, huffing in annoyance. "The Winter Dance is coming up! Who are you going with?" 

The Winter Dance is an annual event that takes place in our school. It's pretty much prom but in the winter. Usually, you'd go with a date, but you can also go with friends and have a good time. 

"I don't know. I have no one to go with." I dragged out a groan. Oh, come on. Just ask out Dream. "Seriously?" 

He gave me a look, "What? You're probably going to Karl and Quackity, right? I usually go with you, what am I supposed to do now?" I huffed. "Jesus Wilbur. Just ask Dream out! It's not that hard." 

Wilbur blushed and looked around quickly, "Keep it down! We're in a public place. Are you trying to spread rumours about me?" I sighed. This is going to be annoying. 

"Plus, he's definitely going to say no to me. He gets like 10 proposals every time. Everyone is going to ask him out, there's no way he will choose me. Just chill, I'll figure it out. I might not go anyways." My jaw dropped. Nuh uh. He's quitting that easily? I will literally fucking set them up. 

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. We'll see about that." I said before walking to our lockers. Wilbur quickly followed behind me, "What do you mean by that? What do you know? What are you hiding?" I just ignored him. 

Oh boy. The show's just getting started. 


"So Gogy, are you asking anyone out to the dance?" Dream asked. I turned and looked at George, interested in his answer. Usually, Dream and George go together as friends with Quackity or something. But Quackity, Karl, and I are going together. So that changes some things. 

"Hmm, no. Not interested in anyone. I'll probably go alone. Or find a friend since you two going with people." He smirked playfully, "Imagine being in love. Couldn't be me." I gave him a playful glare, letting out an exaggerated scoff. "That was very offensive George.

Dream rolled his eyes, "I can go with you. I don't have a date anyways." He said. George shrugged, "I dunno. Just had a feeling that someone's gonna catch your eye." George gave me a knowing glance and I nodded. George and I talked about this, both making a pact to get Wilbur and Dream together for the dance. 

Dream scoffed, "Yeah. Since when did I ever go with a date?" George just shrugged again. A girl ran up to us, looking shy and embarrassed. "Um, Dream. Wouldyouliketogotothedancewithme?" She asked, spluttering. 

"Oh, I'm actually going with friends, thanks for the offer though. I do appreciate it." Dream said. George and I both sighed. This happened every single time. At this point, we should write out a script for Dream to memorize and use every time someone asks him out. He always rejects them, don't know why anyone tries.

The girl let out a small, "Oh." and ran away, looking flushed and embarrassed. Dream awkwardly scratched his head, "Oops. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings too much." 

Everyone in the hallways was staring at us now. "Anyways-" George was cut off by another voice. "Um, excuse me." We turned around and behind us was another girl. Oh great. They just don't stop coming. To my surprise, she wasn't here for Dream. 

She was here for me. "Uh, Sapnap? Do you want to go to the dance with me?" She sounded so scared that I felt bad about what I was about to say. However, I didn't have to say anything. 

"Mmm, no. He's taken." Quackity came up and put an arm wrapped around my shoulder, grinning widely. The girl stared between the two of us and then backed off. "Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't realize. Don't mind me." She backed away and then ran to her group of friends. 

"That was so rude! You could've hurt her feelings." I protested. I heard a loud sigh from behind me. "Now you feel my pain." Dream remarked. 

Quackity giggled, giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Deserved." I blushed a little. "Stop it, everyone's staring."

"Why am I here again?" George asked. "Good question. Let's leave these two." Dream agreed. They ran off before I could protest and say anything. 

"Karl should be out of his class right now. Let's go see him." Quackity said, pulling me without waiting for my answer. Although, I wasn't complaining. 


Wilbur POV

He's definitely rejecting me. It'll ruin my friendship with him, Sapnap, George, everyone. I can't risk it all. I rubbed my eyes, frustrated. I walked around aimlessly in the halls, as I had a spare period. I should go outside. I need fresh air. 

I walked out, only to see the guy that has been causing a lot of issues. Collin. Huh, so I meet that son of a bitch now. I guess I should deal with everything. 

I walked up to him. "Hey, are you Collin?" I politely asked. He turned around and looked at me, confusion sketched across his face, "Yes. You are...?" 

"Oh. My name's Wilbur. I actually need to talk to you. Why don't we come out here." I walked to the same secluded area that he beat Tommy up in. 

"Okay...? What do you need?" My smile immediately dropped from my face. 

"Look here you little shit. I know exactly what you did to Tommy. Don't you fucking dare lay another finger on him- on anyone even. If I catch you harming another person again, you're fucking done. I will not stand for this kind of treatment." He blinked a few times, as if not processing what I just said. Then he sneered. 

"Really? Do you think you can do shit? No one is gonna believe you." I raised an eyebrow, "Are you underestimating me?" 

"Nah, I think you're overestimating yourself." 

This bitch. "Fight me then." He blinked. I raised my hands in the air, completely calm, "Go on. Throw a punch. Show me how strong you are. Make me change my mind." 

He raised his hand. In a blink of an eye, I grabbed both arms and pushed him against the wall, hands behind his back, face facing towards the wall. "You were saying?" He struggled, trying to break free. "Stop moving. You're going to hurt yourself more." I ordered. 

"You fucker. Let me out." I put my mouth right beside his ear so that he could hear me very clearly. "Promise me one thing. Just one thing. You will never hurt any other child again, especially Tommy. Understood?" He didn't answer me and I tightened my grip, "I said do you understand?" 

"Yes! Fuck off!" I let him go and watched him turn around and glare at me, rubbing his wrists. "Pleasure doing business with you," I said smoothly, and then walked out, back into the wide open clearing where everyone was socializing. 

Damn. That felt good.


1195 words. SORRY FOR NOT POSTING. I can't promise that I'll post more often though. I'll try my best. I've been having a little bit of writer's block. :) 

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