Chapter 7

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Wilbur POV

"C'mon! Just tell meee." Tommy said, dragging out the word. I rubbed my forehead, sighing. "For the last time, it wasn't a date!" 

He pouted at me, "Just tell me what you guys did. I promise I won't be disgusted if you guys make out." That did it for me. I jumped up from the bed and left the room. 



I flopped myself on my bed and stared at the ceiling. This was such an eventful day. Sighing, I closed my eyes. Maybe I do have a chance with Dream. I mean, he seems to like me. No, don't think like that. That's egotistical. 

I opened my phone and called Sapnap, needing someone to talk to. Sure, Sapnap is a goofy person, but he knows when to tease me and when not to. He's good at reading the room. 

"Hello? Wil?" He sounded like he was in a rush. 

"Hey Sap, can you talk right now?" I heard clicking and keyboard sounds coming from his end. 


Sapnap POV

Wilbur sounded really tired right now. That usually means that he needs someone to talk to. While I want to play with Dream and Drista, Wilbur definitely comes first. 

"Yeah, give me one second," I said. 

I quickly muted on the phone call and unmuted on discord. "Hey guys, it's been really fun, but I need to go now. Bye!" I didn't give them time to answer before I left the vc. I removed the headphones and got on my bed before unmuting the phone call. 

"Hey Wil, sorry, needed to do a couple of things," I said. 

"No, it's okay. You don't need to call with me if you're busy." He said. 

"Nah it's all good. I can tell you're stressed, what's up." I heard a ruffling noise and a sigh. 

"Well... Is it egotistical of me if I think I have a chance with Dream? Like I know there's a bunch of people that like him at school, and I think it might be slightly hopeful of me. I don't know really, he was just really nice today and maybe I'm overthinking this. Am I overthinking this? I need some advice, do you have advice?" 

"Woah woah. Calm down there buddy. Take a few deep breaths and then tell me what's up. I didn't catch a single word you said there." 

Slight silence came from the other side. 


"Just thinking." 

I waited for him to start speaking again. I can read Wilbur like a book. I can tell when he's nervous, when he's scared, when he's confident, everything. And right now, I can tell that he needs time to think, so I'm going to give him time to think. 

"Sorry, I probably sound really stupid right now. You can hang up if you want, I won't be mad at you. Honestly, I'm probably just boring you right now." 

"Nah, it's all good. I am your best friend, aren't I?" I could picture him smiling at that. 

"Thanks. I guess all I'm trying to say is, do you think Dream likes me back? Actually, no, don't answer that. I already know what the answer is." 

I sighed. If only Wilbur knew. "I think he likes you back. He talks about you often when we hang out." I said. That wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the full truth. 

"I know you're just saying that to make me feel better. It's fine, I'm going to hang up now, sorry for bothering you." 

Before I could say anything, he hung up. I frowned, I knew that Wilbur was still stressed, I can tell by the tone of his voice. Not like I can do anything to help it. 


Dream POV

Sapnap left the call extremely abruptly. "Huh? What was that all about." Drista said. I shrugged, not too worried about it, "I don't know. We should probably get off though." I closed my game and then turned off my PC. 

"I'm going to go to my room now. Make sure you sleep before 11 PM!" I said after leaving the room. I heard Drista groan, "BUT ALL MY FRIENDS SLEEP AT MIDNIGHT!" I ignored her. 

I went up to my room and stared at the window. My thoughts immediately went to Wilbur. God damn him and his pretty hair and his cute smile and his amazing personality. Usually, when my thoughts come to this I call Sapnap. However, Sapnap just left the vc saying that he needs to go, so that isn't an option right now. 

I sighed, Plan B. I walked to Punz's room and knocked on the door softly. "Come in." He said. I opened the door and walked into his dimly light room. He was sitting on his chair in front of his PC. It looked like he was about to play Valorant, as usual. 

"I can go if you're busy," I said, not wanting to disturb his grind. I know he's been trying to get to Immortal. He closed his PC, "It's fine. What's up?" 

"Um," I paused and then blurted out everything, "what do you do when you really like a guy but you're pretty sure they only think of you as a friend and you want to get over this crush but it's really hard to when you see them almost every day, reminding you that he's really pretty."

He gave me a weird look, "This seems oddly specific, happening to you?" I shyly nodded my head. 

"Huh. What makes you think I have an answer? I've never been in love with nobody." Punz said. I fidgeted with my hands, "I dunno. I just thought you might know since you're older." 

"Just ask him out man. You never know how somebody feels about you. Maybe he feels the same way! And plus, the worst thing that's gonna happen is that he says no. Him rejecting you will probably help you get over him anyways." Punz said, shrugging. 

"You're probably right, but I'm too scared to." I said. 

"Damn, didn't realize you were a pussy. Got no balls." Punz said, immediately teasing me with a smirk. 

"Hey! I'm definitely bigger than you."

"Nope, mine's the size of the universe."

"Mine is bigger than the amount of gay Sapnap has!"

"... Okay, I can't fight with that." 



1050 words. This chapter was all over the place, but you know what, that's okay. :)

Also, I need a Sapnap and Punz in my life. :')

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