Chapter 6

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Dream POV

Wilbur patted the seat, inviting me to sit next to him. Okay Dream, you have to act chill. Play it cool, don't think about the fact that he's right next to you, or the fact that his eyes are so beautiful, or the fact that- STOP Dream!

"I'm going to go take Tommy's food to him and eat with him. You guys have fun, okay?" Wilbur's mother said. Wilbur nodded and she went upstairs with two plates in her hands. 

"So Dream, what do you like to do in your free time?" Phil asked me. I made sure to start eating once they had, "I like to read, play video games competitively, and go out with friends." I began to get a little nervous. Shit, what if his family doesn't like what I said? That would be so awkward. To my relief, Phil nodded approvingly, "A social person. Maybe you could rub some of that off on Wilbur." 

Wilbur turned pink, "Dad! You don't have to call me out like that." I chuckled. "It's true! Sapnap's a great man and all, but you need someone else." 

"Dad... we've been over this, and not when Dream's here," Wilbur said, looking like he wanted to sink into the floor and disappear. Phil just sighed but didn't press anymore onto the matter. 

"So Dream, do you drink? Do drugs?" I almost choked on my rice. Wilbur groaned, rubbing his forehead with his hand, "DAD! What kind of question is that?!" 

"I have to look out for my son! Make sure he's not falling for the wrong guy." Phil protested. I laughed until I realized what he said. Wait... falling for? WHAT THE FUCK?! I started to panic, there was NO way I was making it obvious that I like Wilbur. I stared down at my food to hide the obvious blush that was creeping on my face. 

Wilbur POV

I buried my face in my hands for many reasons. One, I was embarrassed. Two, I could feel my face heating up. "No... I don't do drugs. I like to drink energy drinks when I'm tired, but that's about it." Dream answered, still staring down at his food. Oh god. He probably thinks I'm so weird or something. "That's good!"

The rest of the meal went pretty much like that. Phil would ask a question, I would get embarrassed, Dream would answer, and so on. 


"I'm really sorry about my dad, he didn't do that when Sapnap came over for the first time," I said, rambling. He just laughed, "No worries. I understand, my parents do that sometimes too." I smiled in relief. Oh my goodness, he doesn't think I'm weird!

He pulled out his phone, "I should probably get going now. Don't want it to get dark." I nodded, "Yeah." We went to my room and grabbed his bag. Just before he left he smiled at me, "It was really fun. Thanks for having me over!" I almost forgot how to speak, his smile was just so... charming.

"Y-Yeah! Have a safe trip." He smiled again and closed the door. I watched him walk away. I went back in the kitchen and saw Phil smirking, "Someone's in love~" 

I blushed, "Ugh, whatever." I went upstairs and went into Tommy's room. Kristin was still with Tommy, they were laughing at whatever was on Tommy's phone while eating. "Oh hey, Wil." Tommy said, greeting me. 

I smiled back, "Hey, just letting you know that Dream left." 

As I closed the door, I could hear Tommy shout, "WOOH! I CAN BE LOUD AGAIN! FUCK YEAH! TIME TO BLAST THE ABLE SISTERS!" I chuckled to myself, shaking my head. 


Dream POV

As soon as I closed the door I quickly started walking. Jesus christ, that was the most stressful visit ever. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my beating heart. My mind flashed back to the embarrassing moment when Phil opened the door and thought we were... well, you know. I blushed and my heart started to hammer again. Stop thinking about that. 

I stopped walking and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths of fresh air. Whenever I get overwhelmed, I like to stop and really take in my surroundings. The setting sun sent brilliant rays of gold through the leaves of the trees, giving me well-needed warmth. I texted my mother, telling her to pick me up at school. Now that I was much calmer, I resumed my walk. 


"DREAM!" As soon as I opened the door, Drista ran to me and buried her face in my arms. "Why were you away for so long!" I laughed as she pouted, "I was at a friend's house." 

"Dream! Shoes off, you're bringing dust into the house. Go take a shower!" My mom ordered. I quickly took my shoes off, "Sorry." Drista just sighed, "I was bored the whole day. Punz has an exam tomorrow so I couldn't bother him." 

"We can play Minecraft after I take a shower if you want. Maybe I'll get Sapnap to join." Immediately, Drista's face brightened, "Really?! Awesome! Hurry up and go take a shower!" I laughed. One minute, she's hugging me. The next minute, she's pushing me away. 

I went upstairs and headed to the bathroom. "Dream? You're home?" I heard Punz's voice shout. "Yep!" I shouted back. 


(Sorry for a lot of time skips, I'm just lost for this chapter)

"Okay Drista, I'm ready!" Drista eagerly ran into the room where we keep our PC's. Punz's is in his room since he likes having privacy. Although, sometimes he moves it over to play with us. 

"Is Sapnap playing?" Drista asked, opening up her computer. "I have to text him. Give me a second." I opened up our discord and called Sapnap. 

"Hello?" I said. 

"EY! What's up? How'd your date with Wilbur go?" I blushed, "It wasn't a date." 

"Date?! The fuck are you guys talking about?" Drista asked. I glared at her, telling her to shut up. 

"Yeah yeah. What do you need?" Sapnap said, a smirk clear in his voice. I sighed, deciding I would talk about this at school. "Drista and I were wondering if you wanted to play Minecraft with us." 

"Drista?! Fuck yeah, I'd be down. Hold up, lemme go tell my mom." "Kay."

I heard him shout to his mother and then close the door. "Vc 2?" Sapnap said. "Sure." I left the call.

"Sapnap said Vc 2." I said to Drista. She nodded and joined the voice channel. 



"I feel like I'm going to be third-wheeling this..."


1103 words. I'm not fucking shipping Drista and Sapnap btw. That's weird. They're just good FRIENDS. Also, Punz is gonna be Drista's and Dream's older brother because I feel like we need more Punz in this community. Also, check out my other Dreambur book if you want more Dreambur content. I'm going to be updating both of the books. 

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