Despair Princess

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After they all return back in Arendelle nearly a month ago, Ariana is not herself anymore. She starts to make Elsa's mistake, shutting the world out, never let anyone in toher room, including Blizzard.

Her doing already makes her family worried as time went on. The only time Ariana let anyone is is when the maids deliver her meals to her room, and sometimes she didn't eat at all.

Inside the study, the royal family, Kristoff and Olaf is finding a way for Ariana to get out of her room, or rather for a talk.

"Me and Anna should talk to her", Elsa said, "we manage to convince her before, then maybe we can do it again".

"But her door locked", Kristoff remind, "how will you get in?", he asks the sisters.

"There should be a spare key here", Iduna said as she went through the desk's drawer. Then she show them a key and hand it to Anna.

Anna and Elsa look at each other and walk out of the study and make their way to their younger sister.


Inside Ariana's bedroom, the room is so dark as the window was covered with curtains to prevent any sunlight. Ariana sit on her bed while both her knees up to her chest and her arms wrap herself with a black leather jacket that belong to her love, she grip the sleeves tightly and recall the moment she got this jacket.


7 years ago.....

13 years old Ariana is sitting alone on a wooden chair while look out at the night sky through the window in front of her, she just finish her training with Elrik like about minutes ago and her friends are sleeping by the time she got in.

Just then, something wrap around her shoulders, startling her. Ariana look up and see Damien place a black lather jacket on her shoulder making Ariana smile.

Damien sit right next to her, "what are you still doing up?", he asks his girl.

"I can't sleep", Ariana answer and look back at the night sky.

Damien is not convince by that, "I know something is wrong", he said and Ariana sigh, "you miss home didn't you?", he ask and Ariana nodded.

"Yes", Ariana answer, "so bad", she added.

Damien place a hand across Ariana's shoulder, "you'll see them again", he said, tyring to comfort her, "it's just the matter of time".

Ariana smile softly, "and when that time comes, you'll meet my parents", Ariana said.

Damien just chuckle, "I'm excited to do that", he said, "and nervous too", he added, Ariana look at him, "I mean, meeting the king and queen of Arendelle".

"Don't worry", Ariana said, "They're really kind", she assured and Damien smile.

"But to that, we must endure ths", Damien said.

Ariana rest her head on Damien's shoulder, "yeah", she whisper, "it's gonna be tough".

"I will be there in every step", Damien promised.


Back to the present, Ariana just grip the jacket tighter after she remember Damien's promise, tears starts to form on her eyes and she gritted her teeth.

"Damien you jerk", she whisper with sad tone, "you promised that you'll always be there". She look at the ring that Damien made, for years she hasn't wear it, waiting for that young man to put it on her finger himself.

The door suddenly open without a single knock, Ariana look at the door and see her older sisters walk in.

"How did you get in?", Ariana asks and Anna shows her the spare key.

Elsa walk towards the window to remove the curtains and letting the sunlight in. Then both older sisters walk up to her and sit right in front of her. Anna see the jacket and look at Elsa. The eldest also seem like she knew who's jacket does it belong to.

Ariana don't want to say anything as she believe that her expression define her feelings right now. Elsa place a hand on Ariana's cheek to raise the younger sister head to look at the older sisters.

"I know it hurts", Elsa whisper.

"You wouldn't understand what it feels like", Ariana said, a bit sharp, "it was my fault, if only I was fast enough then-", she can't even finish her sentence as Anna cut her off.

"It's not your fault", she corrected.

Ariana look at the older girls with teary eyes, "then whose fault is it?", she asks sharply, hint of anger burn in her eyes, "I failed to save them", she said, her tone is new to the two girls, "not once, but twice", she hissed.

Elsa look at the youngest, "Ariana we understand-", she said with calm voice but was cut off.

"-No, you don't understand!", Ariana hissed, "no one here understand my pain or what I've been through!", she continues, her voice are so crystal clear, "I've been suffering ever since the night I was taken away", she stated as tears starts to form even more, "they saved my life twice", she said, "they saved me from angry darkness that try to take over my body and soul, then another one when we- I escape that night from four crazy men", she let out a shaky breath, "and yet I never get to save them", her voice starts to become gentle.

The older girls look at the youngest, "Ariana", Anna whisper.

Ariana's tears starts to escape her eyes, "all I want is to live a normal and peaceful life with him", she whisper.

Elsa and Anna knew who is 'him' that Ariana just mentioned.

"I want to have a family with him", Ariana continue, "but it hurts so bad that I have to be separated from the man I fell in love with for over five years".

Ariana can't take it anymore as her emotion won, she clutches her teeth, then quickly hold on to the older sisters and cry, letting out all the emotions that she carry for years.

Anna and Elsa look at each other and tightly wrap their arms around the youngest. Ariana's cry can be heard through the quiet hallways.


At the enchanted forest, the Northuldra leader named Yelena walk through the forest along with two others name Honeymaren and Ryder. They walk until the notice something on the distance.

When they see it with their eyes, they were in shock, "what is this?", Ryder asks.

"I don't know", Yelene answer, she turn towards the two, "go warn the Arendelle", she order and they both quickly do as told and left Yelena.

Yelena look back, "something bad is going to happened", she worriedly predict.

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