Return Of The Team

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The five stare at Damien who still on the ground, they look at each other and back at the boy, they're face lit up.

"Damien!", they exclaimed except for Ariana who back away and get beside her family. They run up to the boy and hug their friend.

"I miss you guys as well", Damien said with warm voice as he return the hug. They parted ways and look at who's not joining. Ariana only stare at them as she still consuming on what happened into her mind and heart.

"Ariana", Damien's voice already make Ariana flinch. Jacob and Alan who's on both end raise up a hand, signalling the Arendelle princess to join in.

Ariana's face turn to sadness and happiness at the same time, she toss the black rose to the side and quickly get up to run to them for the family hug, finally the six who used to be kids and now a grown-up teenagers manage to get a hug again after more than five years apart.

"You guys are a jerk", Ariana whisper a joke as they parted ways, "don't leave me like that".

"Sorry about that Ari", Alan said.

"But it's the only way to get things under control", Damien said.

"I'm sorry that it took so long to bring you back", Ariana apologize looking at the ground.

"No sweat Ari", Oliza said and Ariana look back up to face them.

"We know that you can do it", Lynn said.

"Because we believe in you", Jacob remind.

Ariana look at them as tears starts to form, "yeah", she said as she wipe away the tears, "and I believe in you guys as well".

They all get back up, Ariana go to her family to check up on them.

"Are you alright?", Anna asks.

"I'm fine", Ariana answer.

"Are you sure with that impact earlier?", Elsa asks, worried.

"Don't worry", Ariana assure, "I'm fine now-", she glance at her friends, "-more than ever".

The royals look at the five, "is that the friends that you told us about?", Kristoff asks.

Ariana look at him, "yes", she reply.

The five walk up to the royals, as they close enough, Blizzard quickly realised who they are and fly up to them.

"Blizzard!", Lynn said in surprised.

"Blizzard came back?", Alan asks as he look at the eagle.

"A year ago", Ariana said.

"I'm impressed that he still remember us after so many years that passed", Oliza said.

Damien kneel beside Ariana, "told you that he'll come back one day", he said.

"Yeah", Ariana said as she look at him, "you're right".

Iduna and Agnar look at each other then back the the team, "I guess we should be thanking all of you", Agnar said and the six look at him.

"For what?", Damien asks.

"For looking after our daughter", Iduna said, "and creating a beautiful moment with her".

The five look at each other while Ariana look at them as she smile, then they look back at the royals.

"Our pleasure, your majesties", Damien said.

"Can't believe that we finally met Ariana's friends", Olaf suddenly said, the five finally notice him and jump back in shock.

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