Little Trick

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Next day, Ariana is in the royal library doing research about the mysterious place, but so far nothing. As for the map, it only works if there's light of the sun, meaning that it won't work at night.

Ariana just finishing one more book and she just sigh, "one more of nothing", she whispers and levitate the book to a pile of books.

She give her head a massage using her fingers and suddenly she heard Blizzard loudly tapping the glass window using his beak causing Ariana to look at him.

"What wrong Blizzard?", Ariana asks, but Blizzard keep on hitting the glass. Ariana got up and walk up to the white eagle, "what did you see?", she asks and look out through the window.

When she see what Blizzard see, her eyes widen, "Jacob!", she thought. Jacob is standing there wearing a black cloak, standing on top of a rooftop while looking at her and his scythe on his hand. Ariana look down to her people and they don't seem to notice him. Before Ariana take a step she suddenly stop, "is he trying to lure me out?", she thought.

Jacob then starts to fly up and that snap Ariana back to reality, she quickly open the window and fly towards Jacob, but Jacob already fly away. That doesn't stop her from after a friend, she fly as fast as she could and notice that Blizzard is coming with her too.

The princess see Jacob is landing in a forest from distance and she quickly go there. Soon enough she arrives and land on the ground, everything are so dead silence, she glance on her surroundings and be prepared for what's coming.

Suddenly fireballs appear and shoots at her from behind, Ariana notice it and quickly jump back to avoid it. She look towards the direction and Jacob jump down from tree branch, he take off his cloak, revealing his armour. Ariana summon black rose on her right hand and white rose on her left hand, both swords had no scabbard on it.

Ariana charge at him with both swords ready and slash them at the same time. Jacob block it with his scythe's rod, with powerful force Ariana jump over Jacob and set her foot on the tree, she look down at Jacob.

Before Jacob able to cast a spell, Blizzard interfere him by using his claws to distract him. Ariana see the opportunity that Blizzard gave her, she quickly land down on the ground near Jacob and stab the ground with black rose. Jacob swing his scythe forcing Blizzard to fly away, black vines appear and wrap itself around him to keep him in one place.

Ariana quickly go to him and level the black rose on to Jacob's body. Dark aura starts to appear from Jacob's body and fly towards the black rose's symbol. In the middle of the process, Ariana notice arrows are shooting at her causing her to jump back, she look up to where it came from, just to see a blonde hair girl and the sight cause Ariana's eyes widen.

"Oli", she whisper, while staring at her.

Jacob manage to break free from the vines, Ariana prepare for any attack from them both. But instead of fighting, Jacob fly up towards Oliza and the two quickly fly away.

Ariana want to after them but she stop when a single question on her mind, "why didn't they attack me?", she thought and remember something as her eyes widen in fear.


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