Mysterious Mark

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The next day, Ariana feel a bit better after she let out most of her sadness for the least, even though there's still a bit of her sadness remain inside, that sadness will not go away until she corrected her mistake.

Ariana look through her window, "if I recall correctly, my birthday will be in a week", she thought then she sigh, "and if I had a wish, I want to celebrate with all of you again", she muttered.

She snap to reality when there's an urgent knock on her door, Ariana quickly open the door, she see Kai, the royal servant outside her room.

"Kai what's wrong?", she asks, a bit worried.

"There's emergency, your highness", Kai said.

"Emergency?", Ariana asks.

"I don't know what is it about", Kai answer, "but you need to go to the royal study", he informed.

"Alright", Ariana said and quickly make her way there.

Once she's there, she see her family, Kristoff, Olaf with Blizzard on top of his head, Honeymaren and Ryder.

"What's going on here?", Ariana asks.

"We found an unusual mark in the enchanted forest", Honeymaren begin, "and Yelena predict that it's no good mark", she said.

"So we came here to warn all of you about it", Ryder added.

"Mark?", Anna asks.

"I think it's better for you see it yourself", Honeymaren said.


That afternoon, the sisters along with Kristoff, Olaf and the two Northuldra travel to enchanted forest to see the 'mark'.

Honeymaren and Ryder lead them to the mark that they discover. Once they're there, the Arendellian are shock to see the ground had big burn mark in the shape of some sorts of flower, and in the middle of the mark is a crimson red wooden box.

"What's in that box", Olaf asks as he spot the box.

"We wouldn't dare to take it", Ryder said.

Ariana walk up to the box and take it like it was nothing. She open it and inside there's nothing much, but just one material.

"What is it?", Kristoff asks, curious.

Ariana show them a medium  blank paper that wes being folded, "just this, nothing else", she said.

"Maybe we can discuss it more back in Arendelle", Elsa said and they agreed.


Later they went back to Arendelle, but when they arrive back, they were inform that Grand Pabbie arrived nearly an hour ago and was waiting in the throne room.

They all make their to the throne room and Grand Pabbie there along with the former rulers.

"Pabbie?", Elsa said.

Pabbie look at them, "all of you finally here", he said in relief tone.

"What's going on?", Anna asks as she and the others stood in front of the older troll.

"I fear that another danger is coming", Pabbie warned, "I feel the presence of danger earlier and I come here to warn all of you".

"Well it's also a good thing that you're here", Anna said and Pabbie look at her, "we found somthing back in the enchanted forest", she said.

Ariana snap her fingers and the crimson box appear, she open it to pick the folded paper, the box levitate into the air while Ariana unfold the paper.

"We found this and some burned mark", she explains.

"Burned marks?", Agner asks.

Ariana raise her hand and it glow to create light image of the mark appear in midair, "this is what we found", she said.

Pabbie look closely on the image, "oh no", he whisper, but loud enough to be heard.

"What is it", Iduna asks, looking at Pabbie with worry.

Pabbie look up to face Ariana, slowly the others look at Ariana. With Pabbie's expression, Ariana know what it meant.

Her eyes widen, "oh no", she sigh.


Meanwhile somewhere at North, Elrik is walking pass by 5 capsule that in the inside is the 5 dear friend of the princess and each capsules filled with water, their mouth and nose is cover by a tube mask that give them oxygen to breath in.

Raven that had his eyes on them now look at Elrik, "why didn't you just let Ariana pass the portal back there?", he asks.

Elrik who look at the capsules don't bother to look at Raven, "Ariana must become more stronger before I can seal her memory away", he explains.

"Isn't she strong enough for you?", Raven asks, "she kill Sora and Leo", he remind, "and then nearly a month ago, she defeat Jacob with a single blast only".

"Her black rose can give her more strength than she could ever imagine", Elrik said, "and I want her to discover that by herself".

Raven just look at him, "Just what is it that you want from her?", he thought, through out the years he spend with Elrik, he never understand what is his plan for Ariana's destiny.

"Raven", Elrik called, snapping Raven to reality, "be ready, it is time we force her out".

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