Return Of A Friend

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Ariana slowly and carefully walk towards the tower with Sven beside her and Blizzard on her shoulder, they all are a bit nervous about doing this. Ariana suddenly stop and Sven also do the same.

"This is the safest distance you can go Sven", she said as she look at the reindeer, "if you follow me, then it'll be easier for them to spot us", she explains and Sven look at bit disappointed, "I want you to stay and be ready, once we're out quickly escape this place". Sven understand, he lie on the ground and wait patiently.

Ariana smile at the reindeer and continue walking towards the tower with only an eagle that will accompany her.

As they both close enough, "find them, Blizzard", Ariana whisper and Blizzard quickly fly up to the tower to find the royals, Ariana look at him then continue walking until she spot a wooden door, "that must be the entrance", she thought, but instead of moving forward, she just stay there, "but walking in like it's nothing would be risky".

Ariana look around the tower and spot a window, "that should do", she thought. She take a deep breath then jump up to the wall and climb towards the window to get in.

She look around and see she's in an empty room. Quietly, she walk towards the wooden door and open in, looking around and see no one, she walk out.

For quite a while now she's been walking and so far there's nothing, only empty room everywhere on the empty hallway.

Right then, she spot Blizzard flying in front of a window beside her. Ariana look outside to see Blizzard is flying up towards a window about another floor above her.

"There huh", she thought and quickly go there. That is until she spot something right in front of her.


Back at the room, Elsa still try her hardest to freeze the chains but it's still nothing. Soon enough she stop as she feel tired on forcing her powers to come out.

"Don't overdo it Elsa", Iduna adviced, "and let yourself have a bit of rest".

Olaf look at the window and spot something, "Blizzard!", he exclaimed and all eyes on him.

"What?", Kristoff asks.

"At the window, it's Blizzard", Olaf said as he point at the window with his stick hand. They all look at the window and see the White eagle

"Are you sure that's Ariana's bird?", Agnar asks.

"The only fully trained bird that we know", Anna said and it hit her, "-wait, meaning Ariana was already here".

Suddenly the door burst open by strong wind, startling everyone. Ariana jump in with a scream, slamming a body hard to the ground with her leg. The body fade away by that, Ariana breath little heavily and when she look up and her hood fall off the back, she noticed them.

"Ariana!", The two sisters said happily at the same time.

Ariana go to them as Blizzard fly in, "you all alright?", she asks as she search for any injuries.

"We're fine", Iduna assured.

Ariana raise an arm and Blizzard land on it, "good boy", Ariana said as she gently pet the eagle.

Then she place a hand on the chains to break it using her powers but the chains repel her.

Ariana draw her hand back as little smoke come from her hand, "that hurts", she said as she look her hand.

"Are you ok?", Anna asks, worried.

"I'm fine", Ariana said as her hand feel a bit better, "unfortunately, I can't break it", she sigh, she look at her own family, "but everything's going to be ok", she said as she smile, "I'll find another way".

"We know you will", Elsa said, comforting her sister.

Ariana smile at them but that's until she suddenly felt a strong presence behind her, she glance to her side as her face turn to dead serious.

Without any word, she pull out her black rose as she swing her body to the left. The blade of black rose block hit the blade of a scythe. 

Ariana look up and see Jacob with his red armour.

Peoples inside the room beside the two was in shock, "where did he come from?", Olaf asks staring the two.

Ariana use both hands to grip the black rose as the scythe's blade getting close to her flesh, "so strong!", Ariana thought, she realised in Jacob's eyes there's a bit of light, "he's fighting in the inside!".

Ariana fight back as she use her strength to push Jacob back, "snap out of it Jacob!", she urged, "I know you're in there somewhere!", she screams, "please you have to fight it!", Ariana pleaded her friend, "the friend that I know would never lose to this pathetic darkness!", she snap.

Jacob's body starts to trembling as his mind try to fight it, "A- Ari", he muttered with hesitation.

Ariana gasp a little, "please forgive me!", she quickly said as she take the advantage to kick him back.

Jacob fall back and before he get up, Ariana stab the ground with black rose sword to summon the black vines. Jacob trap on the ground and Ariana quickly level the black rose on him and absorb the darkness from Jacob. Black aura appear around Jacob and it goes to the black rose.

Soon the aura gone as well as the vines around Jacob and he sit straight up. Ariana look at him with hope, "Jacob?", Ariana said, hoping that it would work.

Jacob raise his head to look at Ariana, his eyes and face are filled with emotions once again. He smile at the princess, "hey Ari", he said as he smile.

Jacob is back!

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