First Encounter

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Ariana stare at Jacob as the boy already back to his normal self. She still haven't overcome the feeling of getting her love ones yet.

"Are you really back?", she asks the boy, "I mean, are you really Jacob?".

Jacob just chuckle, "the one and only", he assure.

Ariana smile happily and she drop the black rose and quickly went over to Jacob, she throw herself on to the boy for a tight embrace.

"I miss you idiot", she whisper as tears escape her eyes.

Jacob chuckle as look down at her and wrap his arms around her, "I miss you too crybaby", he whisper.

"I'm so sorry it took so long", Ariana quickly apologize as they both parted ways and Ariana wipe out the tears.

"We knew you would come back", Jacob said, "we all believe in you Ari", he remind, "and we always will".

They both get back up, Ariana turn to her family, "Jacob, can you melt the chains with with your eternal flame?", she asks.

"Worth to try", Jacob said, he pick his scythe up and place the Scythe's blade against the chains. Flaming hot fire appear from the blade causing the royals in shock and back away, but the fire is not enough to destroy the chains. Soon he stop as he realised that it's no use, "the chain's magic is so strong", he said.

"Now what?", Ariana sigh.

"If I'm not mistaken, there is a key to unlock this", Jacob said and Ariana look at him, "and it's obviously in their hands".

Ariana sigh, "meaning we have no option but to face them", she said.

"Or we could use Lynn's help", Jacob said refering to his girlfriend, "she's good with magic remember", he remind.

Ariana think for a second, "plus, if we can get them back", she said, "then there might be a good chance to win in the final battle".

"Good thinking as always", Jacob said, smiling at her and realise something, "not to mention, you also getting a lot taller than I last saw you".

"Six years had passed, Jacob", Ariana remind, "I'm 20 years old now". Then Blizzard fly to her shoulder, startling Jacob.

"Is that Blizzard?", he asks, "he also look a bit bigger and well trained".

"Look at who trained him", Ariana said, admiring herself, "alright we continue this later as much as I want for this reunion to go on", she said changing the topic.

Ariana walk up to the royals and place Blizzard down, "you stay here Blizzard while me and Jacob snap the others back to reality and get the key", she said and turn to the others, "I'll be back soon, alright", she said in comforting voice and smile.

Iduna place a hand on Ariana's cheek, "be careful", she said in worry tone.

Ariana smile at her mother, "I will", she promise then turn to Jacob, "you ready?", she asks.

Jacob look down at her and smile confidently, "whenever you are, your highness", he teased as he grip the scythe tighter and smirking.

Ariana smile back as she raise a hand and the black rose levitate into her hand and put her hood back on. Slowly, they open the door, they look at each other and nod. Jacob walk out first followed by the princess.


The duo keep on going until they come across a wooden door ahead of them and that's not all, they also feel something familiar.

"You feel that?", Jacob asks Ariana.

"Yes", Ariana answer, "someone's on the other side".

"Meaning it's a fight", Jacob said, the two look at each other and nod.

Jacob is going pull the door open, while Ariana ready both white and black rose swords as a backup.

When the door slightly open, they see few light are firing at them causing the two to jump back.

The impact cause the door to fully open. They focus their visions and see Oliza is in midair with her bow.

Oliza fire couple more arrows at Ariana, but Jacob get in front of the princess to block the arrows.

"Speed of rose!", Ariana chanted and with high speed she go to Oliza and fly in midair while she leave black rose petals behind.

Ariana fly right behind the archer and attack her with the black rose, but Oliza notice it and swing her bow as a sword to block it. Jacob quickly use the opportunity to fly up and get behind Oliza. He grab both Oliza's wrists to prevent her from doing anything, but Oliza keep on struggling.

Ariana quickly use the black rose to absorb the darkness, black aura appear from Oliza's body and it goes to the black rose.

Soon Oliza sto struggling as the black aura disappear and gravity pull her down but Jacob hold on to her. The three land down on the ground and on to their knees.

Oliza slowly open her eyes, "ow", she groan, she look up and see her two best freinds, "Ari? Jacob?", she said in weak voice, "what happened?", she asks.

Ariana quickly hug her best friend, "you're back!", she exclaimed, Oliza look at Ariana and she smile.

Then they part ways as Jacob hug the archer for a while before part ways, "I miss you guys", Oliza said and Ariana had tears in her eyes, "don't cry, crybaby", she tease, but soon she also had tears in her eyes.

Oliza quickly hug the two tightly, "I miss you all so much!", she sob

Few minutes later they parted way and get back up to their feet.

"Come on we must keep going", Ariana said, "either Elrik or Raven has the key to free my family".

Oliza look at her, "your family?", she asks, "as if the royal family?!".

"Yeah", Ariana said, "how many family do you think I have?", she asks as she laugh, "well excluding the whole kingdom".

Jacob get up and decided to walk away, feeling so done with those two.

The girls notice him, "don't leave us!", Oliza said as she and Ariana catching up on him.

The trio continue on their way up the tower.

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