Family Talk

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Later that night, after knowing where she must go, Ariana is relearning her abilities on paper that she found on Elrik's room two years ago. But still she had no idea why Elrik record them on the first place.

Ariana is reading one paper while the others are flying around her, "blades of darkness", she whisper, try not to make any noise because Blizzard is sleeping on her bed, "I haven't use this in years", she said to herself as she recall, the last time she use it is like years ago, before she return home.

She then levitate the paper and take another one, "Speed of rose", she read and continue reading the description, "a movement that is as fast as lightning but it left black rose petals behind", she said and sigh, "people could easily track me down", she whisper and levitate the paper and take another one.

"Darkness release", she reads, "letting the darkness control the whole body and magic", she said and sigh again, "even controlling half of the darkness is hard enough for me", she complains.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door, "come in", Ariana said, and the door open, reval her father, "dad", she said as she look at her father.

Her father not really that shock to see the flying papers. He walk in and take on of the levitating papers, "bloom of black rose", he reads and raise a brow, "what does it do?", he asks, Ariana lower the paper from his face.

"You'll regret know it", she said, "so it's better for you not to know", she suggest.

Agnar let the paper fly and sit on the edge of Ariana's bed, he notice Blizzard is sleeping soundly on her bed, "Ariana", he called.

"Hmm", Ariana said as she look at her father and notice he look at Blizzard.

"How did you tame an eagle?", Agnar asks while looking at the bird.

Ariana stop what she's doing and sit right next to her father, "about nine years ago, I found Blizzard on the ground and one of his wing was injured, at that time there was thunder storm", she explains, remembering the event of their first met, "so I took good care of him until he's fully healed and I named him Blizzard in the meantime and he love the name, soon enough, I freed him to the wild", she said, "until two years ago, that we reunited and he decided to stay with me", she finish.

"How'd you know that he want to stay?", Agnar asks.

"When I release him to the wild, it only took seconds that he fly back to me", Ariana said and Agnar is impress by their bond, "and that's when I knew that he want to stay with me".

"Can I ask you something", Agnar suddenly asks.

"Sure", Ariana said.

"And I want you to answer me honestly", Agnar requested.

"Ok", Ariana said, a bit nervous.

"Alright", Agnar said, "me and your mother went to this village years ago after you went missing", he begins, Ariana seem like she knew which village he's talking about, "when I arrived there, the village is a bit of a mess", he continue, "when we asks the village leader what happened, he told us that their village was saved from mud flood by six young kids", he said.

Ariana had a bit of goosebumps, "the village where we went to get the golden rapier", she thought as she recall that event.

"You're one of them aren't you?", Agnar asks.

"And why did you think that it was me?", Ariana asks.

"Because-", Agnar said, "-I spot this young girl that passed by me and my instinct told me that it was you".

Ariana just sigh, she knew that there's no point of lying now, "yes, that's me", she confess.

Agnar is a bit surprised, "why didn't you come to me?", he asks, "we could have bring you back home along with your friends", he said, "and you wouldn't have to suffer for years", he added.

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