Tower of the North

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Back in Arendelle, Ariana already gear up wearing black hooded tail coat that cover her head with white long sleeves, normal white shirt with buttons collar covering her neck underneath, tight white pants with black belt, black heel knee boots, dark grey armour gloves and both white and black rose swords on her back.

She's so grateful that Sven wasn't taken as well as she need the wagon once she got her family back in order to travel back. Once she fill the wagon with resources, she begin her journey to North, following the map with Sven and Blizzard to keep her company. They try their best to avoid people, not wanting to make them worry and scared.

Sven is a bit rush to go there faster to save his friends. Ariana try to think positive, "everything's gonna be alright", she whisper to herself, but loud enough to be heard by the reindeer and the eagle, "soon things will go back to normal".

Ariana not really sure if things will be fine or not, but what she do know is that this battle will decide the future and the fate of the people of Arendelle.


As night falls, they rest under an oak tree. Ariana look at Sven, and she can tell that he's also as worried as she do.

Ariana gently groom the reindeer's fur, "everything's going to be ok Sven", she said try to comfort the reindeer, "I will end the things that should be end long time ago", she promise and soon all three of them fall asleep.


The next day, Ariana, Sven and Blizzard continue their journey very early in the morning. They follow the map to North and come across a terrifying forest which is so dark and so cold.

As they enter the forest, Ariana can feel her family's presence, but not just them but also them, the people of her past.

"I guess I have no choice but to fight them", she thought, but this time she has a trick up her sleeves to bring them back to reality.

Suddenly the trio heard footsteps causing Sven to stop, Ariana look around and light up ball of light, she see something moving and she focus her visions.......wolves!.

"Sven go!", she urge and the reindeer quickly run as fast as he can, but the wolves are aftering them.

Sven starts to make noise, making Ariana to look to the front.

Up ahead, Ariana see a huge ravine, the princess act quickly, she place a hand on the wagon and the other hand on Sven's back. Both of them starts to glow faint yellow and seconds later they fade.

"Run through the ravine Sven!", she order, but Sven feel hesitate, "trust me!", she said.

Sven trust her fully and keep on running into the ravine. The wagon didn't fall, but instead it keep on going like they're on the ground except there;s light under the wagon's wheel and Sven's hoofs. The wolves stop after them and go back into the forest.

Soon enough, they arrive on the other side. Ariana jump off the wagon, "probably need Kristoff's permission on that", she said and look at Sven, "I put a bit of my magic in you and the wagon in order to do that", she explains, "it will only gone if I take it back myself or if I die".

She look to the front and see a a dark tower slowly visible to their sight, and behind it is a cliff. Ariana gets more nervous.

"This is it, a battle that decide my fate"

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