Winter Storm Attack

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The trio continue their way up with their guard never letting it down even for a second.

"Hey Ari", Oliza called while the three continue walking.

"Hm?", Ariana said as she look at her.

"How was it like when you already return home?", Oliza asks.

Ariana didn't expect that question, "oh uh", is all Ariana could say for a second, "it's hard", she answer.

"Why?", Jacob asks.

"I have to keep my powers as a secret from everyone else", Ariana said, "afraid that they think I'm a monster or a sorceress, something like that".

"Are you still keep it as a secret?", Oliza asks.

"No", Ariana answer, "turns out my eldest sister also has magical powers to create ice and snow and we both exposed it at her coronation".

Both Jacob and Oliza are in shock, "ice and snow?", Oliza asks, "another type of serum?".

Ariana just chuckle, "no, she's born with it", she said, "it was a gift", she stated, "long ago my mother saved her enemy which is my father in a magical land called 'Enchanted Forest' ", she explains.

"Is that how the king and queen met?", Jacob asks.

"Yes", Ariana reply, "my mom was born in enchanted forest as a northuldra while my dad's in Arendelle".

"Northuldra?", Oliza asks.

"They are group of people who live with the spirits that protects the enchanted forest", Ariana explains then turn to Jacob, "that's where I fought you Jacob".

Suddenly they stop on their tracks as their body become hardens, "you guys feel that?", Jacob asks the two girls.

"Yeah", Ariana said, "the temperature change to sudden cold".

"Alan is nearby", Oliza warned the two. They look at each other and nod, they continue on walking forward.

Ahead of them, they spot few ice spikes firing at them. Oliza react quickly and use her arrows to destroy the ice. Soon enough they spot Alan is walking towards them with his dual blades up and down in one grip.

"Alan", Oliza whisper, feeling not wanting to fight her own boyfriend.

Ariana heard it and place a hand on her shoulder making Oliza look at her, "keep it together Oli", she said and Oliza only look at her friend, "if you want to bring him back, we have to fight to him".

Oliza knew that Ariana's right, she take a deep breath and nodded in determination. Jacob cast a spell in front of Oliza, and the archer fire her arrows through the spell to create flaming arrows aiming at Alan.

Alan notice it and spin his blades vertically as a shield, and soon he stop as he didn't see anymore arrows.

Ariana jump in with both black and white rose swords, and slashes both sword towards Alan, but Alan notice it and he block it with his upper blade, then he split the blades into dual blades on both hands. Ariana jump back to avoid any attacks from him, but Alan charge at her forcing Ariana to fight him. Then all four swords clash into each other.

Ariana jump and use both legs to push Alan back and she roll back on the ground and far enough near the duo. Alan fall back but quickly get back up, he lok at the trio and see Oliza is firing multiple of arrows at him, Alan hit the incoming arrows using his blades to prevent any hit.

Suddenly black vines appear and wrap itself around Alan. The winter storm knigh is stuggling to break free and when he look up, he notice that beside Ariana is Jacob is casting something on to his scythe, with Oliza place both hands on bith Jacob's shoulder to transfer a bit of her energy on to Jacob.

"Fly my Phoenix!", Jacob shout as he slash his scythe vertically in midair, fire in a shape of fire bird, phoenix apear and fly towards Alan.

Alan manage to break free one hand from the vines and use it to stab his blade to the ground to create powerful blizzard. The phoenix hit the blizzard and it's getting a bit weaker as well as the snowy blizzzard. But the blizzard is not strong enough to defeat the pheonix, as the fire bird get through and hit Alan.

The vines around his disappear and he fall to the ground. Oliza quickly go to her boyfriend and set his body to the wall beside them, the two quickly follow the archer.

Ariana use the black rose to absorb the dark magic in Alan, soon enough Alan regain his consciousness and he look up to see his best friends and his girlfriend.

"Oli?", he groan, Oliza quickly hug her boy tightly, "what happened?", he asks as Oliza part ways.

Oliza look at Ariana, "long story", Oliza said, "but we need to find Lynn and Damien so we can bring them back".

The couple get up to their feet, and continue their way up to save their friends.

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