Bringing Back The Mage

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Ariana told Alan what happened and Alan understand that, he's ready to help. They walk and walk until the see a door in front of them. But that's not all, they also sensed a presence on the other side of the door.

"You guys ready?", Ariana asks and the three nod. The two boys open the door while behind them, the two girls had their weapons ready.

When the door completely open, they see Lynn flying in midair while holding her sceptre with balls of light flying behind her in vertical circle.

Lynn aim her sceptre on them, "fire", she command with calm voice.

The balls of light quickly fire at the four causing them to scatter to avoid the magical balls. Alan and Jacob quickly charge at Lynn while dodging the blasts. They both fly up and slash their weapons on Lynn on both sides, but Lynn create light shield on her sides to protect her, and quickly make light tentecles below the boys. The tentecles wrap around the boys' leg and throw them away.

Oliza shoot a powerful arrow at Lynnn, but the mage manage to create light shield to protect her, but the impact cause a shockwave, making Oliza to jump back and Lynn lose her focus.

Ariana appear behind Lynn as she jump from behind and grab her. The Arendelle princess use the opportunity to use the black rose to abroeb the darkness off Lynn. Black Aura appear from the mage body and went into the black rose, but Lynn manage to create a shockwave using her sceptre and knock Ariana back, causing the princess to fall to the ground hard.

Lynn glare at the princess and use her sceptre to create a powerful light beam, but somehow the beam is not fired yet. Lynn's body starts to tremble as she feel hesitate. The four look at her in surprise and confuse.

"What's wrong with her?", Jacob asks while looking at his girl.

Ariana notice what's wrong, "Lynn is fighting the darkness on the inside", she informed, "she's giving us an opening!", she continue, "hurry!", she order the three.

The two boys fly up and each holding both of Lynn's arm, then Oliza fly up and grab Lynn from behind.

"Hang in there Lynn", Oliza said, supporting her friend.

Soon, Ariana fly up and use the black rose to absorb the remaining dark magic in Lynn. The mage get a bit weaker and she would've fall if her friends hadn't hold her.

Slowly they all land, and Lynn open her eyes to see her friends, "guys?", she whisper.

Oliza and Ariana quickly hud their friend and Lynn return the hug, as they parted ways, Lynn look at Alan.

"Are you alright?", Alan asks with worry.

"I'll be fine", Lynn answer and give her step brother a quick hug.

Then she look at his boy, Jacob smile and lean forward, and Lynn also do the same to make their forehead against each other.

"Welcome back", Jacob said to his girlfriend as they parted.

"It's good to be back", Lynn said, smiling.

They all get up and continue their journey up the tower to find the last member, Damien.

The five keep on walking and walking but there's still no sign of Damien around.

"No Damien so far", Alan said.

"But still be very careful", Lynn said, "he's fast remember", she point out.

"He could be anywhere by now", Oliza comment, she notice Ariana is feeling disturb, "don't worry your highness", she said as she place a hand on the princess, "we'll find him".

Arian knew that she try to make her feel better, "Oli please, you don't have to call me that", she said, "even though I kind of get used to it now".

"Oh", Oliza tease, "by many people I see".

"The staff members along with the guards on the castle and the Arendellian", Ariana said.

"That's a lot", Jacob said, "as they all show their respect to their princess".

"They all really sweet and kind people", Ariana said, "can't wait to show you all the kingdom".

Suddenly they stop as they finally feel something off right in front of them. They look their front and see Damien slowly walking out of the dark hallways while holding the golden rapier.

That is when the five knew that this battle won't be easy unlike the previous one.

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