Getting The Last Member

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They all stare at Damien who just reveal himself from the dark hallway. They try to keep themselves together and try not to make any sudden move.

Damien charge at them with high speed and it cause them to flinch a bit, Oliza fire few arrows at him, but Damien jump to his left onto the wall and run there to get behind them. He slash his rapier at Alan, and thankfully Lynn manage to create light shield to protect her brother. Alan then swing his blade towards Damien. With slight move to the back, Damien manage to avoid it.

From his side, Ariana swing the white rose sword at him, but Damien block it with the gold rapier.

"Damien please snap out of it!", Ariana urge but Damien not bother by that.

Jacob slash his scythe downwards from behind, Damien notice it and he quickly push Ariana back and face Jacob as he back kick Jacob causing Jacob to fly back and hit the wall. Then Damien turn back to Ariana and front kick her on the stomach. Ariana knock back and fall near a window.

Oliza shoots some more arrows at Damien,and Damien charge at Oliza while dodging and blocking the arrows. As he's close enough, Damien attack Oliza, but Alan manage to block it with his blade to save his girl. Lynn take the opportunity to create a shockwave making Damien to jump back and see that the four regroup, ready to face him.

Suddenly he heard a groan from behind, he glance back and see Ariana is getting back up. He use the opportunity to charge at her.

"Ariana!", Jacob shout.

Ariana heard it and look up just to see Damien is flying while charging at her. The princess had no time to react as Damien grab her to push her over and break the window.

The two fly outside the tower, Ariana swing the white rose towards Damien, forcing him to let go of her. Damien fly back to avoid it then he look at her and Ariana also do the same. They both charge at each other and clash their swords.

"Please Damien come back!", Ariana urge her boy, hoping that it'll snap his mind back to reality, but it didn't.

Damien's boots starts to glow purple and Ariana notice it as well as she know what it means. Damien spin to kick Ariana's stomach with powerful force, but before it hit her, Ariana manage to make a protection on her to prevent worse injury. But still, the powerful force knock her back into the tower.

With a big coinsidence, Ariana broke in from through the window where her family are. Her back hit the wall in the room making everyone in the room are in shock. They're even more shock when they found out that it was Ariana.

Ariana fall front to the ground and struggling to get back up, but at least she manage to get to her knees with the help of both her hands on the ground, supporting her.

"Ow", she groan, and when she look back up she sees Damien is pointing his rapier straight forward, attempting to stab her.

Damien fly forward to her with the rapier and Ariana let out a gasp as she close her eyes and use an arm as a shield.

As Damien is close enough, Jacob appear out of nowhere inside the room and grab Damien's wrist to prevent the killing blow. Alan jump in through the broken window and hold Damien's other wrist. Both men manage to get Damien away from Ariana.

"Snap out of it man!", Alan urge.

Ariana look at them and she heard sudden crack, she look at the wall where she hit her back and see the crack is growing into the ceiling above her until few concrete fall down on her. Ariana use her arm as a shield again to protect herself from it.

But somehow she was saved by light tentecles that appear below her to shield her from the concrete. Ariana look through the window and see Lynn had cast the spell as she fly in along with Oliza.

Oliza quickly shoot an arrow towards the rapier to disarm it from Damien, then she quickly help the boys. Lynn land in and use few more light tentecles to wrap around Damien's body.

"Ari, hurry!", Oliza urge, struggling to hold the raging boy.

Ariana quickly get up to get the black rose from the floor. She stood in front of Damien and absorb the darkness off from the last remaining member.

Dark aura appear from Damien's body and it go to the black rose. Damien starts to lower his body into his knees while the three who hold him still on their feet.

Soon, the darkness stop and everyone let go of Damien along with the tentecles disappear into thin air. Damien raise his head and slowly open his eyes just to see the precious five that he loved.

Damien weakly smile, "hey guys", he said and that's when they know that he's already return to his normal self.

Finally, the six reunited after long years!

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