Royals Meeting The Leader

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When Ariana feel something is wrong in Arendelle, she quickly fly back to her home. She see her people are fine and that's already make her sigh in relief, but then the thought of her family come out and that's make her starts to worry again.

She land on the front gate and walk inside. At the throne room, she sees most of the servants and the palace guards just encounter something.

"What happened here?", she thought, looking around.

"Princess Ariana!", a male voice suddenly called her from behind. Ariana turn around and see Kai and Mattias rush towards her.

"Kai? Mattias?" Ariana said.

The two stood on front of the princess, "thank goodness you're alright", Mattias said in relief.

Ariana is confused, "what do you mean?", she ask the two, "what's going on here?".

Kai look at her with worry, "I don't know much on what happened", he said, "I was just walk out of the throne room for the morning reports until suddenly there are unknown people appear and filled the room with black smoke", he explains and Ariana starts to freak out on the inside, "and when the smoke clear out, there's no one to be seen in the throne room".

Ariana is thinking, "black smoke?", she thought then it hit her, "it's them!". Ariana look at Mattias, "whoever is missing?", she asks in serious voice.

Mattias give her a worried look, "your family", he replied and Ariana's eyes widen, "Kristoff and the snowman", he added.

Ariana starts to form a fists as anger start to build up, "it was all just a trick to lure me out", she thought about earlier fight and why Oliza just left with Jacob without a fight.

"Your highness", Kai called, snapping her to reality and look at the servant, "what should we do?", he asks.

"Kai you in charge of the kingdom", Ariana ordered, then turn to soldier, "Mattias, order the guard to patrol the kingdom and make sure there's nothing suspicious going on until my return".

"But princess, what if they get you too", Mattias said against the idea.

Ariana place a hand on his shoulder, "trust me", she said in calm voice.

It took Mattias and Kai a couple of seconds to let her go, "alright", Mattias said.

"Be careful your highness", Kai said and Ariana nodded.

"Also try not to make the people worry", Ariana added, "we don't want to cause a panic".

The servant and the soldier salute and quickly do their job. Ariana quickly go to her room and open her closet, she remove the dress aside and reveal an outfit.

Ariana look at the outfit, "I never thought it's already time to wear it", she thought.


Agnar starts to open his eyes slowly, "dad!", a voice called to him, "dad wake up!", the voice urge.

Agnar starts to groan and he sit straight up, he look around to see his wife, two daughters, Kristoff and Olaf. They are all in a room, a window in one side and a wooden door in front of them and their hands was chain to a wall behind them.

"What happened?", he asks.

"I don't know?", Iduna answer.

"Is everyone alright?", Agnar asks everyone.

"we're fine dad", Anna answer.

Agnear turn to the eldest, "can you try to freeze the chains?", he asks.

Elsa try to use her powers to freeze it, but nothing happened, "I can't", she said.

"It's no use", a male voice suddenly said, causing everyone to startle, the wooden door starts to open revealing Raven and Elrik. Agnar and Iduna hold on to their daughters while Kristoff get near Olaf, "it's a magical chains", Raven said.

"Who are you?", Agnar sharply asks.

"Former king Agnar", Elrik said, "we've met before".

Agnar is confused, "we do?", he asks.

"8 years ago", Elrik said giving more details, "that night in Ariana's bedroom and 12 years old Ariana unconscious on my arms", he continues

Agnar's eyes widen, "you-", he said as anger raising and memories flood in like waves striking, "-you two are the one who took her".

"Yes, it's us", Raven said, "my name is Raven", he introduce himself then look at Elrik, "and this is the leader, Elrik".

"Ariana told us about you", Anna said, looking at Elrik.

Elrik just smirking, "I'm sure you all know what I did to her years ago, right?", he asks.

"You're the one who cause her problem", Elsa said, "made parts of her childhood a living nightmare", she added, "why?".

Elrik can see the desperation on their faces, "when I had first glance on her, I knew that she had the potential that I was looking for", he explains, "a smart girl with great determination and hard working too", he said as he look out through the window, "she never give up on something and someone that she love", he continue then look back at the Arendellians, "and the black rose she has, it's not everyday people got chosen by the darkness".

The prisoners only staring at him, but Raven interupt, "Elrik", he called and all eyes on him, "you feel that?", he asks.

Elrik and Raven feel something familiar, "yes", Elrik answer, "Ariana's presence", he said and the royals are in shock and their eyes widen in fear.

"She coming", Raven said.

Elrik look at the royals, "see, she never give up on who she love", he stated, the he look at Raven, "be on guard", he said, "if I know her, she can be anywhere by now", he warned.

"Can you tell me again why I can't just kill her?, Raven asks causing the royals gasp.

"I need that black rose", Elrik remind, "and to do that, I need Ariana", he said, "plus, someone has to keep the legacy alive", he added.

"Fine", Raven said, "I'll just jump in then".

"No", Elrik said.

Raven look at him, "what?".

Elrik turn to the door, "prepare those five", he order, "this time it's going to be friend vs friend".

"Alright", Raven said and the two walk out of the room leaving the royals inside.

They will be so worried now that either Ariana will succeed or fail on this fight.

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