Remind Me Of Love

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In Arendelle throne room they all still having discussion about the situation.

"There's no doubt", Pabbie said, "this is the symbol of fire lotus".

"Fire lotus?", Agnar asks, looking at the troll.

"It is where Ariana's power come from", Pabbie explains.

Ariana is thinking hard, "if this is fire lotus symbol, then they're the one who responsible for this", she thought.

"Then what's the use of that paper anyway?", Kristoff asks as he look at the folded paper.

"I don't know?", Pabbie said.

"It need to be seen against a light source", a mysterious male voice suddenly said, causing everyone to look at where the voice come from, even the guards and the servants that presence there and except for Ariana who exactly know who that voice belong to.

In the middle of the throne room there's a light figure Damien, standing while looking at the royals.

"Hello", he greeted with warm smile.

People there are confused to see such magic. Pabbie quickly realised that magic.

"It's a 'memory awakening' ", he said.

They look at the troll, "what's that?", Elsa asks.

"It's a type of magic that awaken from someone's memory to help them in time of need", Pabbie explains.

"Correct", Damien said.

"Who's memory are you from?", Anna asks.

Damien turn his head to look at his girl that still facing away from him. He walk up to Ariana and raise a hand to place it on her shoulder.

Ariana can hear his footsteps are getting closer and closer, and as Damien is close enough, she quickly turn around to face him.


The sound of a loud slap echoed through the throne room, Ariana had slapped her own boyfriend across his face, leaving the young man stunned and their surrounding in shock.

Damien look back at her with red cheek with his hand on it and his eyes widen. Ariana close her eyes tightly as she gritted her teeth and her breath quickened. When she look up to face the boy, her eyes got tears and expression of both anger and sadness are on her face.

"After all these years in my time of need, you showed up now!", she hissed and her eyes glare at the boy.

"Ariana", Damien whisper in stunned while looking at the princess.

"Do you have any idea how scared I was thinking of losing five of you all these years!", Ariana continued, "if you thought of sending me away do any good, well think again!", she said, "now they are all hunt for me and none of you were there by my side!".

Her voice can be heard in the silent throne room with the people in there are speechless.

"Huh?", Ariana whisper as she realised something, "damn it!" she cursed, "I don't know what to feel right now!", she said and she cover her face with both hands as she cry.

Damien slowly get his girl closer to him for an embrace and gently stroking back of her hair. Ariana tightly grip his sleeves as she return the embrace her eyes close causing tears starts to fall.

"Shh", Damien whisper to her ear and Ariana sob on his chest, "I'm here now". The rest only look at the two as they both had a moment.

When they part away, Ariana wipe her tears off her eyes, "I'm sorry that I slapped you", she apologized, "I really want to do that since the time you all push me away", she said, try to brighten the mood.

Damien only look at her, he do remember that night, nearly 9 years ago and yet it feels like it was yesterday.

"I'm sorry that we push you away", Damien apologized, "we didn't mean to, but we had no other choice", he said, "-and we push you away not because we want to break that promise-", he continue, "- it's because we believe in you".

Ariana look at him, "for years I waited for your reason why you do that", she said, "and I knew you all had a good reason to do so".

Back to the topic of the situation that they are in, Ariana unfold the paper and show it to Damien.

"How am I doing this again", she asks.

"You need to face it against the sunlight", Damien said, but Ariana is still confused.

Damien get behind Ariana and together they face the sunset through the opened door balcony, he use both his hands to lift both Ariana's hands leveling the sun.

The blank paper starts to reveal a map, a line direction from Arendelle towards some place unknown.

Ariana is surprise right now, "whoa", she muttered. The people around them are also surprised to see that.

"Magic can be hard sometimes", Kristoff comment.

Damien face him, "I know what you mean", he said.

"What's your name young man?", Agnar asks, Damien still hasn't introduce himself yet after he showed up.

"Oh right!", Damien said as he realise that he forgot to tell them, "my name is Damien", he said.

Anna, Elsa, Olaf and Kristoff are in shock, finally knowing what's his name and they already know who he is.

"You're Damien?!", Anna said in shock.

Damien look at her, "you know me?", he asks and the four nod.

Former rulers look at her, "you all met him before?", Iduna asks.

"No", Elsa said, "but Ariana told us about him".

Agnar turn to Ariana, who's looking at the map, "Ariana", he called and the youngest turn to her father, "you know him?", he asks.

"Yes", Ariana answer, she look at Damien and smile, then Damien also do the same, "he's my boyfriend", she said. Her parents are surprised to hear that, "I'm sure you remember that I said that I made some friends in that two years right?", she asks.

"And he's one of them?", Iduna asks.

Ariana nodded as a yes, "he and the others took good care of me in that two years", she said.

Agnar look at Damien, "thank you for looking after her", he said.

"Well actually we take good care of each other", Damien said, "and maybe you all should thanked the real me", he continue, "I'm just the memory that live in her", he explains.

Damien suddenly starts to fade, "w-what's going on?", Elsa asks.

Damien look at his fading hand, "my job is keep Ariana up to her feet", he said, "and now that the job is done, it's time for me to go".

Ariana can only look at him go away, Damien notice it, he turn to her and smile. He move his left hand to grab Ariana's right hand, while the other one on the back of his hip, then he bent down to plant a gentle kiss on her hand. Ariana look at him with little blush on her cheek and smile lovingly at her boy.

Damien look up to her while his body still bent, "see you later princess", he said in charming way and voice, soon enough, his body completely disappear.

Single tear escape Ariana's eye, as she still smiling.

"See you later, my prince".

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