Chapter 7 - Pearl has a spook

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A/N: Memory erasure I guess-

"HOW-" Westina shouted. "He's a WEAKLING raised watchling-"

"Westina, control yourself. This outburst is a disgrace."

"Sorry sir." The watcher dipped her head.

"Get out of my sight, Westina. Guards, has the prisoner been deployed?"

"Not yet sir."

"Very well. Do it as soon as the Weakling uses his magic again."

"...So please be careful." X finished, looking down at the gathered hermits, their expressions spread between fear, distrust, and anger. "Remember, it'll be fairly clear if one of us gets controlled, as we know each other well. And if anyone sees a sign, DO not confront the person, but message me."

Everyone nodded agreement, and the meeting dispersed. God, X hated this... He didn't like all the hermits being worried. And all this watcher stuff was making him paranoid... He couldn't remember the last night he had a full night's sleep.

And with the stress about Grian- GRIAN- Shoot- How much of an derp was he? He'd left Grian ALONE! After that! Seriously Xisuma, it was almost like the author needed a plot reason for grian to be alone-

After this realization (And the author taping up the fourth wall), He turned to Pearl.

"Pearl- Please go check on Grian-" He said, trying to not panic. Grian was surely fine... Right?

Pearl glanced at X, voice shaking with disbelief and fear. "Did you leave him alone?!" 

"Uh- Possibly." The two met each other's eyes, both understanding the danger the server was in. Both knew what the watchers were capable of. And both knew they needed to keep an eye on Grian if the watchers were targeting him.

"Actually, I'll teleport you there- I have a bad feeling." X pulled up his admin panels, and typed in a command, and Pearl vanished.

Pearl blinked off the dizziness and nausea that came with teleportation, and found herself standing before Grian's starter base. She quickly ran up to the door, knocking on it. He would answer and be fine, right? But, only silence met her. When she got no answer, she banged on the door harder, panic starting to take over. "Grian?"

There was still no response. She felt the pit of her stomach dropping. They couldn't take him... Not again.

She banged on it again. "GRIAN-"

Still no response. She pulled the door open to find a frightening sight. Grian was slumped against a wall, unresponsive, with one of THEIR masks clenched in his hand. She shivered at the sight of that cursed Broken rectangle symbol. That symbol showed all her suffering watching her   server be destroyed, the beings that treated them like toys, the beings that punished them for the smallest mistakes... AND Grian had it? When he had some of the worst time with them out of all of them, with his little pranks? It was almost they had a grudge against him.

"Grian-" She shook the little gremlin awake.

"Ugh... five more minutes Ark-" He groaned in galactic, causing Pearl to stiffen.

"Why are you speaking galactic? And why do you have THEIR mask-"

Grian seemed to shake off the haze of sleep at this. "H-Huh?" He replied, this time in common. Pearl noticed how exhausted he looked- He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks...

"You were slumped against a wall, unconscious, clutching THEIR mask and when I tried to wake you up you spoke galactic! Give me an explanation, or I'm calling X."

Battle Scars - A Watcher-Grian AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now