Chapter 13 - Grian trauma dump? More likely then it seems

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TW: Slight mentions of death, Mentions of Yandere high school, Kidnapping, Mind control, Watchers brushing off people's emotions (If you couldn't tell, I have no idea what I'm doing with the TWs)

"DANGIT." The head watcher slammed his hand onto the table. "HOW INCOMPETENT ARE MY UNDERLINGS." He took a deep breath. 

"My apologizes. That was out of line. Guard, prepare a squadron and slip in while the barrier is weakened. Get the watchling when he inevitably faints from magical exhaustion, and deal with his helsian counterpart, we can't have him messing up our plans." The head watcher contiued.

"Y- Yes sir." The guard stuttered, and ran out.

"So... Your name isn't even Grian?" X stared at the gremlin, seemingly unsurprised at the reveal that he was a watcher.

"It was. It's the name of the player I was before I joined the watchers." Grian stared at the floor shifting uncomfortably.

"So they took you from Evo and, you just joined them?" X said, sounding, justifiably, very confused.

"No. I was with the watchers before the Evo Disaster... I joined them in High school... They saved my life." He mumbled, .

"H- Huh?" Poor X only sounded more confused at this.

"Yeah... Old 'Friend' of mine wasn't exactly the kindest..." Grian closed his eyes, trying to hold off the flood of memories trying to drown him. 

"Do you want me to get Eyn..." NPG whispered.

Grian quietly nodded. "I... don't want to tell this story twice, heh..." He pulled off the mask and placed the necklace back on for Eyn's sake. He wasn't going to make such a horrible screw up again...

NPG walked off, and X looked at Grian with a undiscribable emotion... Disgust? Pity? Disappointment? Grian didn't know, and didn't know if he even wanted to know. Knowledge was a blessing and a curse. His gaze dropped back to his shoes.

Eventually NPG walked back down, a still-half-asleep Eyn practically being dragged behind them. Eyn looked up at the awkward scene before them. "So he knows now?"

"A bit... And I thought I... Should finally talk about school... And everything... So... Yeah... Let's start with that..." He swallowed, before starting. "My parents sent me to Japan alone while I was in kindergarden... They had a divorce, and wanted me gone to make it 'easier' on them. Eventually, I went back to England, but I met two Friends... Taurtis and... Him. Sam..." 

Eyn and X were staring at Grian, pity and shock filling their expressions as Grian slowly went on to talk about a lot of very messed up stuff, NPG comforting and grounded the gremlin. Their shock grew as he talked about things like Sam stabbing Taurtis, and forcing Grian to dress up as Taurtis, and getting in trouble with the police multiple times, until he got to the end of high school.

"And Sam... Sam snapped again... He almost... stabbed me... But... Kanvi teleported me out..." He gave a small smile. "And I became a watcher."

"Gri..." Xisuma stared at him with wide eyes. "A- Are you okay? You should have I said something..."

"He's not." NPG replied to X in their matter-of-fact way. "He hasn't even explained Evo yet, or the fact he's currently stuck in the middle of the godly beings having a war."

"NPG-" Grian sighed. "Well, so you know, most of the 'Oh no the watchers are evil their gonna eat you up' stuff comes from the rebels, a group of watchers who believe we should control the world, and that Players and admins are inferior... And they're in a war... Those rebels are currently targeting me, which is why Eyn's here, and why I had my headspace attacked."

Battle Scars - A Watcher-Grian AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now