Chapter 29 - Grian stops a war with the power of diplomacy.

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TW: I've given up at writing these. No new TWs for this chapter, at this point it's just already mentioned ones

Inside the room, a older looking admin sat at a table, writing in a book. They looked up at Grian as he walked in, closing it.
Grian was reassured by the lack of magic in the room. Maybe it would make certain things less awkward. Now time to deal with formalities.
He bowed deeply, his hands under his eyes, figuring protocol would be the same as meeting a member of the watcher council.
"I am graced to be in your presence, High Admin." He said quietly.

"Oh- Theres no need for that- Please, sit down- Call me Cherry, please! She/They" They frantically urged him up, opening their admin panels. "What is your name?"
Grian was confused, but sat. Wasn't she supposed to demand respect? He supposed Ark never did, but only because they were their caretaker. "...Solar. He/Him Pronouns." He spoke
Cherry's admin panels flashed red. "That isn't your name." Cherry shook their head. "What is your real name?"

"Truth sensors. Not as powerful as truth charms as they're made with the code, but they work. Interesting. They'd only work on beings of code, but you're attached enough to the code for it to work." Seven spoke to him mentally.
"Good interesting or bad interesting?" Grian sent back, worried about this statement.
"Both and Neither." Seven spoke cryptically.
"Okay your messing with me now." Grian groaned mentally, before returning to the situation on hand.

"I'd prefer to go by Solar for this, given the... situation I am in. The watchers didn't exactly consent to this meeting."
Cherry nodded, taking this as a answer. "Very well. Please tell me your tale."

Grian spoke the story he told Nova, clarifying when Cherry asked him to. Cherry's expression shifted farther and farther into disbelief as he spoke, yet her admin panels didn't flash red again.

"Wow. Thats... Interesting. That changes a lot." Cherry's voice was full of curiosity. "I'm inclined to believe you, truely, but it's a lot to bet on this. Could we perhaps set up a meeting with some of the watcher council?"
"Er- Again, I... don't have permission. With some other things going on... I can't exactly return. Well literally, yes, but I'd mess a ton of things up."
Cherry glanced at her panels for confirmation, and they flashed green. "Alright. I'll stop pushing you. Would you rather not be involved with the rest of this process? Nova said you were rather nervous."

"Say you'd rather not be, we don't want to mess up the timeline more." Seven advised quietly.

"I'd prefer to not be involved anymore, thank you." He whispered quietly.
"No, thank you, Solar. You're going to help a lot of people." Cherry smiled thankfully.

He smiled back. He'd done something right for once! He might have actually saved the other hermits from his own dumb mistakes! But was that selfish... That he was more happy he stopped himself, not because he stopped the whole war. He was happy he stopped the war sure... But he felt the attachment to the players more then to his own kind... Why was that?

"Xelqua I swear to the first ender dragon I will punt you- It's called friendship, idiot." Seven grumbled.
"B- But shouldn't I feel more connection to my kind-" Grian replied hesitantly.
"Your kind are stuck up morons who treat everyone the same like everyone will respond to the same teachings-" Seven muttered. "A lot of your culture is what the rebels implanted into it.

Grian decided he did NOT have the mental energy to process that without spiraling, and continued speaking to Cherry.

"Alright..! I should probably head out soon-" He commented, not sure when Seven would pull him out of this place.
"Oh, okay, but first, I'll get you some food if you want it? You spent the night here right?"
"Y- Yeah-" He was confused as to why the the admin was so invested in his well being. "But Watchers can't starve so-". He cut out the bit where watchers still feel hunger, but more muted.
"Nonsense, your living beings! I'll get you something!" Cherry smiled at him. "Wait here!"

She ran out of the room - Actually ran, Grian realized. He was watching a High admin, the ones who controlled the hub, run to get him food...
A few minutes later she burst back in with two plates with eggs, bacon and sausage.
"Sorry it's small it's what the kitchen had to spare-" She sighed, passing a plate to him.
"This- is more food then I think I've seen in years-" He mumbled, realizing how sad that sounded.
Cherry's eyes widened at that. "You certainly need to come to the hub more often then! This is a small meal compared to what a lot of places serve."

Grian waited for Cherry to start, and once she took the first bite, he began to eat as well. He ate the meal quickly, finishing in a few minutes. It felt so good to be full for once...

Grian smiled at her. "I really need to go now... I'm very sorry!" He spoke. "Er- Where should I bring my plate-"
"Leave it here, I'll clean it for you." Cherry smiled. "Your always welcome here Solar. You did a good thing, okay?"
"Alright." Grian nodded.
"The guards outside will take you outside!" Cherry shook his hand. "Thank you so much."
"Goodbye High Admin Cherry. And thank you for giving me this chance." He bowed again, this time the farewell one.
"Goodbye Watchling Solar!" She waved as Grian walked out of the doors

The guards escorted him outside, and he stood clueless for a second until Seven spoke.
"Merge with the crowd. Walk towards the portal. When it's safe you'll be teleported." Seven whispered to him mentally.
"Alright." Grian sent back, slipping into the flood of players and admins.

After a few stressful minutes of being shoved around, he felt his body dragged away from the realm. He opened his eyes, and he was back in the void, the being in front of him.

"Xelqua, you did it." Seven commented, and would likely be smiling if they had a mouth to do so with. "I'll complete my side of the deal now. Your memories will be semi-intact."
"Semi?" Grian questioned, worried. "You said I would keep them!"
"The most I can do. I can't risk destroying the timeline. It is already destroyed though." Seven tilted their head.
"Thank you for the cryptic warning." He commented sarcastically, still put off by the 'Semi-intact'. But this was better then before. Even if he couldn't fully remember- The hermits were alive, that was the outcome he wanted.
"Your welcome. Good Night Xelqua."

The void began to swirled, and faded out of his vision with a jolt.

This is the final chapter! Don't worry, there's still a epilogue left! It'll cover a few questions you may have!
I wrote this chapter while listening to horror-ish songs, I hope it doesn't show-
ALSO WHAT. THE. EVERLOVING. HECK- 1,000 VIEWS- I- WHAT. I was expecting less then 100- What the heck guys I'm so happy- I- Okay okay- *Deep breath* Thank you guys so much for 1000+ views! I really don't know what to say, I'm so happy!
Wc: 1234 (WOO-)
- Xera

Battle Scars - A Watcher-Grian AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now