Chapter 28 - Grian's mind is being mean

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TW: Trauma, Torture, Death, Gore, Nightmares, Mentions of Memory alteration

Grian was running through darkened hallways, wings broken beyond use... Cackling sounded behind him. He glanced behind him, and one of the rebels who'd tortured him was chasing behind, grinning manically. Fear jolted through him, and he ran faster, faster, but they caught up. In his panic, he sent a wave of magic out towards them. They screamed in pain, falling and cowering in front of him, it was a familar scream...
The watcher morphed into Taurtis, sending the vision down a different path.

Taurtis was cowering before him. He grinned, running his finger across the knife in his hand. With a spin of the blade in his hand, he jammed it into Taurtis' chest. Blood dripped across the blade, across the ground. He listened to his choked cries of anguish slowly fade as the life force drained from his friend. With his last breaths, Taurtis choked out a name in galactic...

Grian shot awake to Seven's voice in his mind, ready to attack, panting in terror from the nightmare.
"You really need help- Like urgently" Seven spoke.
"Oh shut-" Grian replied mentally.
"Well, I woke you up so you wouldn't murder the poor admin who was about to wake you up. I think that counts as you needing help." Seven replied
"It's been a long few weeks alright- I'll be fine." He replied, not really believing what he said himself.
"If you say so."

A knock at the door made the still on edge Grian jump, before he realized it was at the door. He took a deep breath, stood up, and walked across the room, opening the door.
Nova was grinning at him. "Heya Solar! You sleep well?"
"Heh... Yeah." He lied quickly, rubbing the back of his head nervously as he glanced around the hallway.
"You seem a bit jumpy..?" She tilted her head. "Did something happen?"
"Oh- No- Just had a bit of a nightmare- Don't worry!" He smiled as much as he could.
"Okay..." Nova didn't quite seem to believe him, but continued to speak. "So I talked to someone who talked to someone who took it to the council, and the council wants to send one of the head admins to talk to you! Isn't this amazing!"
"Oh- Wow- Uh-" His eyes widened. "Thats... A lot of pressure- Heh-." He didn't know what he was expecting, but this wasn't it... Telling his story in front of a head admin... What if he messed up...

"Xelqua if you keep thinking like that I swear to the primals I will drop kick you back into the void-"
"Thats an elegant statement."
"More elegant then your speech."

"Solar?" Nova tilted her head. "I asked if you'd agree to speak to one of the head admins..?"
"Huh? Oh- Sorry... Okay... I'll speak to them." He took a deep breath. He really didn't have a choice here... He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't agree...
"Alright!" Nova smiled. "I'll let he messenger know! They'll come by when their ready!"
"Will you be there?" He asked nervously, hoping to have someone he recognized there, even if it was the energetic ball of sunshine that was Nova.

"Oh, probably not. I'm not THAT high up. Only like tier 8 to 9 admins can talk with the head admins! I'm just a Tier 4." She chuckled. "But I'm fine with that! A whole lot less stress! I had a friend who's a tier 6 admin- He barely gets any sleep anymore. That with the fact his twin got taken by the watchers- Well I suppose it's the rebels... Oh Notch- Do you think..?"

"No. Admins are too attached to the code, the magic would reject them... But I think I know who your talking about. X-Eye-Sooma Void and Eyn Void?" He tilted his head. It was interesting to think about the fact this admin knew X before Hermitcraft even started.
"H- How-" Nova stammered, shocked.

"Xelqua are you trying to be suspicious-" Seven piped up.
"Oh be quiet, I had to know..." He replied mentally, sighing.
Outloud, he replied nervously. "I- I have my ways. B- But they'll be fine- I think-"
"A- Alright well!" Nova regained her composure, beaming again. "I gotta go do admin-y things! Feel free to do whatever in the room- Although - Your not allowed to be outside of the room unsupervised-"
"Okay. Thank you for everything!" He smiled, giving Nova the traditional bow to say farewell to one of your superiors, left hand on your heart, right hand over the eyes, or at least where your eyes would be with a mask on. Typically it was only used in cases where it's unlikely you'll see them again.
"Er- Thanks?" Nova sounded so confused, and as Grian removed his hand, he could see she looked quite unnerved at this display
"Oh right- Uh- Sorry Watcher tradition things-" He said as ways of explanation, hoping it would satisfy the admin. Nova nodded.
"Well- I'll see you!" She waved, before walking off.

Grian closed the door, walking back inside. With nothing else to do, he decided to grab a book.
It was titled 'Similarities between code and redstone'. He made a face of disgust and promptly put it back, flopping on the bed.
The silence was engulfing, and he was left alone with his thoughts. It was terrifying. He kept glancing up as if someone would appear in the corners.
He had to talk to a head admin... He mentally flicked through the conduct... When had he learned this? He'd never paid attention in the class. Then it hit him... The rebels must have implanted this in his mind... How much more did they do without him knowing? He shivered at the idea they might have placed more in his mind... What if it was harmful to him, or those around him... He didn't want to hurt anyone! But now he was going to meet one of the higher up admins... Was it safe to visit them?

"Xelqua, your spiraling." Seven sighed. "It'll be fine. I've seen it, yet the future is still unknown."
"Huh?" Grian snapped out, confused at Seven's return to being cryptic.
"I haven't been cryptic enough the past few chapters-" Seven was swiftly cut off by the author slapping them again.

~Interlude for fourth wall repairs ~

Grian sighed, sitting back up. He fiddled with the bedsheets when someone knocked on the door. Grian jumped up, it'd only been a couple of minutes since Nova left. He opened the door, and two admins waited outside.
"Greetings Solar, we've come to escort you to Head Admin Cherry." One of them spoke
"A- Alright." He stammered, and the two started to walk, leaving him behind. He ran after them until he caught up. "S- So what are your names?"
He was met with stoney silence.
"Well they certainly are warm and fuzzy." Seven commented unexpectedly.
Grian held back a burst of laughter at this. The group walked for around 5 minutes, before reaching a ornate door. The one of the admins flanked the door, while the other knocked a complex pattern. The doors opened, and the admin who knocked on it moved to the other side of it, standing guard. They both nodded for Grian to enter, and swallowing, he did.

Sorry this chapter's so late, my motivation to write this specific chapter went poof.
Also. What. The. Heck. Guys. 900 reads- HOW- I can't process- Xera.EXE Has stopped functioning.
Wc: 1275
- Xera

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