Chapter 14 - Uh oh...

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TW: Torture, Violence and Gore (slightly graphic), Trauma, Inhumane treatment, Imprisonment, Overall Watcher creepiness, Memory Altering. Basically, Uh oh indeed.

Grian awoke to a lot of things, very fast. First, his wings were curled up right around him, and a unsettling weariness ached in his bones. He remembered last night, which would explain the ache in his body. But, he wasn't lying in a bed, but instead on hard stone... Why would X lie him on stone? He opened his eyes to a frightening sight. Instead of stone, he was lying on bedrock, bedrock walls around him. His sight was properly colored, showing he wasn't wearing a mask... And he looked at his hands, and saw them tightly bound with a shimmering material... Magic binding rope. He internally cursed, glancing around. There was a wall made of iron bars before him, and when he tried to spread his wings, they were pressed against the walls that were barely large enough for him to spin around in.

Hopelessness set in quite quickly. As a watcher, he couldn't starve, meaning respawning was out of the question, and besides, there was no way their captor was that dumb to not set his spawn nearby. Besides, there would be no way to respawn on his own. He had no access to commands, his magic was bound, and he couldn't even die of fall damage since the cell was so small. He tried to visualize the tether to NPG, hoping he could pull them to help, but he could barely get the direction to his counterpart. The magic restraining bindings must stop the tether too...

He sat there for a while, before weariness dragged him under once more.

He awoke to someone aggressively banging the iron bars. He jolted up, his wings instinctively wrapping around him protectively as he clenched his eyes closed, causing the person banging on the bars to snicker. There was a sound of metal grinding, and someone pulled open his wings, tying something onto his handcuffs. 

He opened his eyes to see that the watcher, who was in full watcher form had tied more of that rope-like material onto his wrists, as a type of lead. The watcher, not even glancing at him again, pulled Grian along, causing him to inelegantly flop on his face and be dragged along the rough bedrock floor trying to stand up, his delicate wings having feathers torn out causing him to wince in pain. Finally he stumbled upright, and walked behind the watcher.

"What are you even planning to do!" He spat. "I'm a pitiful watchling, why am I important?"

"Pfft- You think your important. Hah, pathetic." The watcher turned to turned to spit at his feet, and turned, walking off pulling Grian behind him while speaking. "The head watcher wanted you, said you'd be good leverage against a council member, and told us to do whatever we like with you! So we're gonna have fun! Cause some pain... Burn some bridges between you and your friends... And best of all, you won't be able to do a thing! After all, Watchers, even weakling ones, shouldn't have friends among the mere mortals that claim this world is there's. Our ancestor was one the first, we were not creations of, but children of the primal beings, we are the gods, why should we lower ourselves to mere mortals' levels!"

Grian shivered at this. "Players are better then us though. You claim to be superior, have you even seen a player?"

"Xelqua, was it?'

"Grian please."

"Well, Xelqua, we're going to have to teach you to hold your little tongue, won't we?" The watcher tugged the lead harshly, causing Grian to stumble forwards

"You know how wrong all of this sounds..?" Grian commented, trying to keep it bright despite the feeling of dread coming over him.

"Your talking to a race of asexuals. We have no idea what sounds wrong or not.." The watcher's eyes rolled, the excessive amount of them made the movement unnerving, as ten or so visible eyes rolled all in sync.

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