Death of a Queen

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Chapter 1

The beginning of our hero's story, as we know it.

Chestnut looked out of the sky hole of his bunker into the night sky beyond, laughing at what the BigWings of his sib group had said.

"You can't be serious, Amber!" He continued shaping the clay in his talons, trying not to shake from laughter. "A scavenger killed Queen Oasis?"

His sibs echoed his thoughts, all grinning. It was such a ridiculous idea, after all - those tiny creatures killed the queen of the SandWings?

"That's what the rumors suggest," Amber said. "No idea if it's true or not. I assume she did die, or else why would these rumors spread? But no idea if it was actually a scavenger."

"If it's true that none of her daughters killed her, we might go to war," Morass added. "I hope not, but it's almost certain that the princesses will try to get the rest of the tribes on their sides."

"Why?" Fawn asked. Her tail nervously flicked from side to side.

"Well, it's said one of the SandWing Princesses is very smart, and the smart thing to do here would be to drag the entire continent into a war." Morass sighed. "The three princesses really are the beauty, brain and brawn. If it were a normal fight to the death, the brawn would certainly win. But does the brain want that? Definitely not."

"I don't want to go to war." Amber frowned. "I couldn't stand to lose any of you. I like our life right now."

"Well, when did this supposedly happen?" Chestnut asked, his sculpture all but forgotten in the conversation. "And when do you think the war will start, if there is one?"

"Not sure. Maybe a week ago?"

"You pick up rumors quickly," Fawn remarked.

Morass thought for a second. "I'm not sure. I don't know how quickly the princesses would be able to make deals with the other queens and have them help. After all, why should the other tribes help them? They have to negotiate terms, make agreements, decide what the other tribes would get if they won."

"Why would the MudWings join the war? What do the SandWings have for us?" Alligator asked.

Morass scowled. "The SandWings are the wealthiest tribe, pretty much. They probably have a million things they could promise us. For one short war especially."

"I suppose we'll find out soon," Amber said.

Chestnut nodded and looked down at the clay in his talons. He blinked in surprise when he realized it had basically sculpted itself without him noticing. He put the newly-made crocodile on his sculpture-shelf, smiling to himself.

No matter what happens, we still have each other, he thought. That's enough. 

A/N: This story was first published as a celebration for getting 50 followers (despite it actually getting posted way later), although I had already started it beforehand. Hope you like it!

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