Island C1

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Chapter 5

Getting to the SandWing camp.

The next morning they all grabbed their spears, a signature sign of the MudWings. Those spears were given to all who were old enough to fight. 

Amber led them out of their MudWing village. Once on the outskirts, the sibs jumped into the air as one and situated themselves behind their BigWings in a pre-arranged order.

And then they flew and flew and flew. They flew out of the Mud Kingdom, over seemingly endless pieces of the ocean, a few islands appearing in their view occasionally. Every time they spotted one of those, they paused and rested, sticking to their 'travel casually' policy. But between them, it seemed there was only the ocean, stretching out from horizon to horizon. 

At some point, it turned night. Chestnut couldn't mark the spot, except it was, as most of the time, while over only water. The ocean reflected the white light of two almost-full moons, giving them enough to see by. It was a clear night, with almost no clouds, and stars everywhere.

"When will we stop?" Chestnut finally asked after flying for a while with only the moonlight.

"When we come to the next island," Amber answered. "It shouldn't be too far. I mean, I expected we'd already reach it, and we haven't, but we should still be there soon."

She was correct, in the end, as not long after an island drifted into view on the horizon. The sibs continued towards that black spot, soon swooping down and landing. There wasn't much cover on the tiny piece of land, but enough for the small group of five. They posted a guard, and the others quickly fell asleep after the tiring day of travel.


A few days of flying later, the sibs looked about them, checking that no one else was around. When they saw no other dragons, they quickly flew onto the island of the meeting, landing in some woods. They were still seven days early, but they were happy they'd get a week of relaxation.

"I hope Blister isn't too bad," Alligator whispered under his breath as they walked in.

Fawn nudged him in warning. Though they couldn't see anyone around them, anyone could be watching and they didn't want to provoke Blister and her SandWings. It wouldn't do any good for them or the other MudWings.

They emerged in a clearing with a lagoon and a beach around it. The tents of the dragons were the same color as the sand, as to not be seen from above. The sib group could see SandWings and MudWings scattered around, but no SeaWings yet. 

"Where do we stay?" asked Chestnut. "It didn't mention that in the letter, did it?"

"We can probably check in with one of the MudWings here." Amber tilted her head at one. "That one looks important enough to know."

The MudWing she was gesturing to was a big female. Her scales were green-tinged brown. She had gold and other small pieces of jewelry in some places, but not that much. That scroll she has in her talons could tell her where we go, though.

They walked up to her, and Amber asked, "Who knows where our sleeping area is?"

The MudWing looked up at the sibs, her golden jewelry catching the light of the sun. "Me. Squad number?" she asked, seeming bored. She's likely done this a lot. Anything gets boring after too much repetition.


The female dragon grabbed a scroll, searching through it. "This island, follow me to your area."

They followed her around the lagoon, stopping around halfway across. It was a simple sand-colored tent on, well, sand. What a surprise. Though I suppose that's all these areas are.

"Here is your area. While here, you will be patrolling in the morning and evening, at least two at a time. You may decide which of you patrol. No fire, but you may hunt for yourself." The MudWing left before the sibs could say anything, presumably back to her post.

"Hungry?" Amber asked them. The sibs nodded. "Group up here after you've finished eating."

They split up to hunt and came back with bellies full to patrol. And for nine days, they simply waited for the SeaWings to arrive.

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