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Chapter 14

The sib group stared at Sandstone. They hadn't been expecting that answer, of all things.

"How are you going to 'show us' the Talons of Peace?" Alligator challenged.

Is she telling the truth? Chestnut wondered. She could easily be lying. Well, unless she proves it. But what if she's bringing Blister's forces? Then again, why would she?

"Like this." Sandstone flew into the sky, letting the sun's first rays shine right onto her, making her almost glow. She breathed out a plume of fire and looked around expectantly. The SandWing swooped back down, watching a figure approaching in the distance.

The six dragons sat and waited for whoever Sandstone had called over. Chestnut squinted in the distance. Is that a SeaWing?

"That's Nautilus, the leader of the Talons of Peace," Sandstone explained. The name gave Chestnut the confirmation that, indeed, the dragon was of water.

Nautilus soon arrived at their rock, landing on the grass. "Hello," he said. "Sandstone, why did you call me over?"

"These ones were asking why I had helped them," Sandstone replied. "And they wanted proof."

Alligator regarded Nautilus with suspicion. "How do we know you're part of the Talons of Peace? You could just be on Blister's side."

Nautilus snorted. "Why would I be on the side of that snake?"

"Most SeaWings are on Blister's side," Amber pointed out. 

Nautilus rolled his eyes. "Just because Blister has Queen Coral under her spell doesn't mean that every SeaWing likes her. There are a few of us in the Talons."

Before anyone else could speak, Sandstone asked, "Nautilus? Would they be allowed to join the Talons if they wanted to?"

Nautilus watched the sibs. "I don't know them at all. But since you seem to have a high opinion of them, fine." He turned to the MudWings. "Who is your BigWings?"

Fawn laughed quietly. All of the sibs exchanged looks of amusement.

"What is it?" the SeaWing asked sharply.

Amber stepped forward. "I thought my size would be enough to know that I am the BigWings. Big is part of the name, after all. My name is Amber."

Nautilus scowled. "Well, do you want to join the Talons of Peace?"

The sibs looked at each other with skeptical expressions. I'm not sure if I'd want to do that, Chestnut thought. I mean, the war isn't at the bunker anymore, and home is home.

He looked questioningly at Amber. She shook her head at him, and he knew that their BigWings were saying to make the decision for themselves. Amber had always made them tell her what they thought first so they would say their opinions.

"I don't know," Fawn ventured after a few minutes of thought. She looked off into the distance in the direction that their bunker was. "The MudWings are no longer on any side of the war, so it's not like we would have to fight. And Queen Moorhen never did anything to us; it was all Blister."

"We have friends at home," Morass added. "People we trained with."

Amber looked at Alligator and Chestnut. "What do you guys think?"

"I'm all for going back to the bunker," Chestnut said, and Alligator nodded.

"Do we all agree?" Amber asked. "Back to the bunker?"

The rest of the sibs nodded.

The BigWings faced Nautilus. "Sorry, we don't accept your offer. We're going home."

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