The Arrival of the SeaWings

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A/N: Most of the dialogue matches Winglets: Assassin, to stay true to the story.

Chapter 6

Nine days later.

It was early in the morning, the time when the sun had just barely begun sharing its warm rays with the living creatures.

"So cold," Alligator complained. He and Chestnut had happened to be patrolling that day. They had left their spears at the tent, not wanting to carry the extra weight around when it wasn't needed. Besides, we'll have bigger problems if there's an enemy dragon. The entire camp will have to move. And it's easy enough to call out. Others aren't that far away.

"We're just used to being able to use our fire," Chestnut pointed out. "I bet it's this cold a lot of the time back home as well."

Alligator grumbled, but continued staring into the trees and the sea beyond, checking to see or hear if there were other dragons slipping by. 

Right then a whale jumped out of the ocean, but was pulled back under by the dark blue talons of a dragon. Ripples were scattered across the water.

Chestnut and Alligator exchanged a glance. That quite clearly meant the SeaWings had arrived. Commander Tempest was here, and the meeting was about to be held. Then the MudWings would have to go home and resume the war. 

When Tempest emerged from the water, they were equally surprised. They hadn't expected her to be so large and such a long trident strapped to her back. Yup. One big dragon. And that spear - it must be longer than a dragonet!

Two dragons followed her. One was a green-eyed male with gold armbands, the other being a female with gray-blue scales and small eyes.

Alligator poked Chestnut. "Is that King Gill?"

"Pretty sure," Chestnut said. "The other... I think that's either the second or third in command."

Alligator regarded the female SeaWing for a second. "I think that's the third in command. What was her name? Some kind of fish?"

Twenty or so SeaWings stayed in the ocean. They seemed quite comfortable there, and made no move to rise out of the water.

"Blister! We're here! Let's get this over with!" Commander Tempest boomed out suddenly, surprising them. I suppose her loudness fits with her size...

Blister slithered out of her tent on the beach. She kept her head high, the black diamond earrings she was wearing clearly marking her as wealthy and important.

"So pleased you've finally decided to join us," the SandWing said. Chestnut thought she meant for her words to be mocking, considering they were two days late for the meeting and the other tribes had already been there for a week. "Will Queen Coral be attending at last?"

Despite speaking quieter than Tempest, Chestnut and Alligator could understand her perfectly. She was a princess. She'd be used to having dragons listening to her, so she'd know how to make sure her voice was clear.

"Ha!" Tempest exclaimed. "The queen has her own kingdom to run. She won't ever have to meet with you as long as I'm here to handle our strategy summits. But she did send her husband, Gill." 

Tempest swept a wing at King Gill. So we were right, Chestnut thought. Then again, it's pretty obvious, even if we only know him from the descriptions others give. He has a kind of... aura that dragons describe well. Important, but also charming, and all about the negotiations.

"And this is my third-in-command, Piranha," she continued. "I left my second watching the troops, of course. Make sure they don't have too much fun, ha!"

King Gill bowed slightly and said, "Queen Coral sends her respects. She has sent me to open a conversation with you about possible peace negotiations."

Yup. Dragons certainly describe him well, Chestnut thought. He and Alligator had slowly crept closer to listen, as he was the quietest of the three. The SeaWing King didn't seem to possess Blister's ability of talking quietly and yet being heard perfectly.

"Oh?" Blister said, her face an almost-perfect mask. But the little details and her tone of voice made it clear she was displeased.

"Yes," King Gill confirmed. "We're starting to wonder if this war is really worth it for anyone involved. Perhaps there's a way to reach a diplomatic accord. Maybe be dividing the Kingdom of Sand among the three of you, for instance."

"How interesting," she said after a few moments of regarding the king. "I wonder if anyone involved would even consider it. Peace by negotiation. How... undragonly."

King Gill smiled. "I wager I could talk them into it."

"Would be fine by me." Tempest stamped her foot. "I mean, I love being the war commander and all, but it's a messy business, aren't I right? Ha!"

Blister's tongue flicked in and out. "Well. Let's start by reviewing my new attack plan, shall we? I feel confident that if this works, the war will be over without any need for... compromises."

Chestnut and Alligator exchanged an excited glance. If the war was over, no matter how, it would mean that they wouldn't have to fight anymore. It would mean that they wouldn't lose anyone.

"Can't wait to see it." Tempest seemed to have just noticed the biggest MudWing at the camp. "Oh, hey, you're here!"

General Swamp, Chestnut thought. That must be him.

"Yes," Blister said, almost snidely. "We've been waiting for you for a couple of days now." She turned to walk back into the tent where the meeting would be.

"Weapons," General Swamp interjected.

"Right!" Commander Tempest swung her trident off her back, dropping it on the sand. General Swamp placed his spear next to the trident. Blister, rolling her eyes, took a dagger from its sheath at her ankle and tossed it onto the slowly growing pile.

A pair of MudWings, two SandWings, King Gill and Piranha all did the same. Then the multi-colored group all disappeared into Blister's tent to discuss. 

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