The Mud Kingdom

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Chapter 11

Two days later, midday, over the Mud Kingdom.

Even just two days later, the pain had spread. Chestnut and Alligator weren't able to fly for as long or as fast. Glares at Sandstone were incredibly common.

But they pushed on. They had to, if they wanted a chance at survival. And even if they hadn't, their sibs would have made them. Who wants a dead sib, after all?

They were over the Mud Kingdom then. Familiar territory. Home.

"There's the bunker!" Fawn's face lit up as she smiled as it came into view. 

Of course, since they were over MudWing territory, there were also MudWings. Hunting, training, preparing for the next battle. The last thing had them puzzled until they realized that the news may not have reached some of the population yet. 

Morass doubted that. She thought that it was more of a safe-guard, a 'just in case'. "Dragons can fly, and when there aren't battles going on, there's nothing to stop us from flying fast. We've been held back by the injuries, but most aren't. News would be passed on from dragon to dragon in an ever-widening ripple, if there aren't already messengers going from village to village informing everyone."

They knew most of the MudWings who were out and about. They lived in a small village, where basically everyone knew everyone. Their neighbors, friends and fellow soldiers.

A sib group down below flew up to meet them. They lived a few bunkers down from Chestnut's. As they neared, their faces showed their confusion.

"Hello, Amber's group. But I thought..." The BigWings gestured at Chestnut and Alligator. "We heard that the alliance was broken up because you two were killed for doing nothing. And who are you?"

The last question was directed at Sandstone. It was a fair question, considering the MudWings were no longer on any side of the war and they were in a MudWing-only area. And, you know, there's a war and everything.

"They weren't killed, just thought of that way." Amber glared at Sandstone. "And this SandWing is trying to make up for attacking them by showing us the antidote. We need to go to the desert if we want to save them, and we do need the SandWing to identify the plant, so can you let her pass?"

"Of course," the BigWings answered. "Heal well." He watched Sandstone as if she was about to suddenly jump and attack, but he still nodded to let her through.

They passed through with a grateful look and continued flying towards the desert.

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