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Chapter 13

A week of cactus juice-dripping later.

Chestnut stretched his legs and smiled. Finally! It doesn't hurt!

The sun was just beginning its daily climb through the sky, the world still quiet and dark. Alligator emerged from the cave behind them.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Alligator asked.

"To not feel the pain?"

"Of course. What do you think I was talking about?"

"You could've been talking about the sunrise. Or the forest. Or the cave. Or how we don't have to worry about the war anymore. Or..."

"Okay, I get it," Alligator interrupted. "There were a lot of things I could've been referring to. But you know what I mean."

"Ok, fine," Chestnut said. His voice took on a more serious tone. "It is nice. I'm glad it's finally gone."

"Who wouldn't be?"

The sun began shining light into the cave behind them, bringing the others in their sib group out. A few birds sand their morning song, welcoming the new day.

"Is it better now?" Fawn said quietly, peering at the pair's legs worriedly.

"Mostly," Alligator responded.

Chestnut glanced into the cave. "Should we trust Sandstone?"

"She helped you guys, didn't she?" Fawn pointed out.

"But why? I doubt it's because of her good heart. She was in Blister's army; anyone with a good heart would've either run away or been killed a long time ago."

"I'm not sure," Amber said. "We could ask her and watch her reaction."

Alligator snorted. "People can fake that sort of thing."

"Not v-"

"Or I could just tell you the truth," Sandstone interrupted Amber, exiting the cave. "And I can prove it."

"Then tell us and prove it," Amber said.

"You're right; a normal soldier with a good heart in Blister's army? That wouldn't work."

"You were listening to us?" Alligator glared at Sandstone.

She shrugged. "Not my fault you guys were so loud. And why did you assume I was sleeping? Anyways, I haven't been in Blister's army the entire time. At the start of the war, I was on no one's side. But then I joined the Talons of Peace."

"They're real?" Fawn asked.

"Yes. And to help them end the war, I was supposed to join Blister's army. Not sure how it was supposed to help, but it was. So I put on a mask of indifference and started working for her.

"I didn't like it. Everything was done without emotion, without caring for whatever was happening. My time in Blister's camp certainly showed me I hated war.

"They didn't trust me, either. Everyone watched me extra carefully, conversations stopped when I entered the room. So you can imagine my confusion when Blister pulled me aside and asked me to watch the other dragons, to make sure they were trustworthy. I assume she told everyone that, so she would know as soon as someone had so much as a thought against her.

"But when you guys came along... I do believe you. I do think that you didn't throw the spear. You could've, and I wouldn't have known, but you seemed too far away, too confused. But the way war works, you have to choose between your alliances. And Blister chose the SeaWings.

"You were lucky I was assigned to kill you. I had only planned on telling you the antidote, but Fennec heard me tell you. So I was kicked out. And I've been accompanying you to make sure you're safe. Now, if you want, I can show you the Talons of Peace."

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