Chapter 7 - Dark Thoughts

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Once I had eaten my breakfast, I went back to my room to pack my school bag. Rosalind had arranged for the whole class, including the second years, to meet at the stone circle for a power control class. I had to admit that I didn't really want to go, but I didn't really have a choice, she would notice my absence. According to my friends, her teaching methods were anything but ethical. Still, I would have to focus on blending in as quickly as possible and catching up, even though I was still confused by my encounter with Miss Dowling. This woman seemed so mysterious and so close to me...

Suddenly I heard a knock on the bedroom door.

"Come in!" I shouted, slipping a bottle of water into my bag.

I saw Musa's sweet face staring at me, smiling.

"Are you ready?" she asked calmly.

"Yes, it's just that I'm a bit apprehensive about this class with Rosalind," I admitted, nodding my head. "I'm afraid she might suspect something about Miss Dowling."

She sat down on the bed beside me, reassuring me.

"You need to do what we all do, close your mind," she advised, adjusting her headphone around her neck. "You're new here, and she's bound to try to probe your brain. She mustn't have access, or she'll have access to your memories."

I was suddenly afraid. To tell you the truth, I felt like I couldn't close my mind and control my powers at the same time.

"And...what if I can't?" I stammered apprehensively.

She put her hand on mine sympathetically:

"You can do it, trust me, you're not weaker than her, you just have to learn to control yourself," she encouraged me with sparkling eyes.

We got up and went downstairs to join the others before walking to the meeting place. Rosalind was already waiting for us there, standing in the centre of the circle, impassive. Her posture gave me the creeps, but I cleared my mind and closed it.

"Good Morning, young fairies. Here we are, all gathered for our first class together, and I have to tell you that there are going to be some changes," she announced coldly. "Miss Dowling's methods have been deemed ineffective and unsuitable for what lies ahead, so I have to start the course from scratch."

"I wonder what she'll come up with," scoffed Stella, who was standing next to me.

Luckily, the headmistress ignored her remark and continued:

"You will each come to the centre in turn to complete a test of control. Miss Stella, you are first," she called, glaring at her with a slight sadistic smile.

My friend sighed and complied, approaching the stone.

"I hear you lose control of your powers easily, according to the Queen," Rosalind whispered as she slowly circled the fairy. "I beg to differ, for your jealousy has revealed your power, and that is what I want to see."

Her jealousy? What had happened before I arrived? Who had been the victim? The questions were running through my head, but I had to keep my focus. Now a ball of light was shining from the centre.

"Well, Stella, you can leave your place to Jade," declared our teacher, beckoning me to come closer.

Stressed, I walked slowly towards her, hoping that she wouldn't know what had happened during the last night.

"I'm going to ask you to reach out and feed off your darkest emotions," she ordered, gazing at me.

I breathed in and focused as best I could, but as I was expecting, nothing happened.

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