Chapter 38 - The Bond That Binds Us

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What Jade doesn't know...


In the dining hall of Alfea, Luna and the other light fairies had gathered at the back of the room to protect themselves from potential attacks.

Gradually, the Queen felt electricity accompanied by a certain heat, which was starting to pulsate in her body. She flashed a burst of white light to make sure it was her powers that were manifesting, and as the energy was growing stronger, a pair of yellow wings appeared on her back and those of some of the other fairies. Luna smiled: the eclipse had passed. But Rosalind's fate was still bothering her. Had the girls succeeded?

She hoped so in her heart, but for now she had to help Ben, Flora and the others to protect the school and its students.

The fairy flew up and used an invisibility spell to get as close to the witches as possible. When she reached a young wizard, she dazzled him with a powerful sphere of light, but he did not notice the fairy in front of him.

Ben turned his head, astonished to see such a light appear on its own, and quickly approached it. Luna took the opportunity to reappear at that moment.

"Sweetheart!" he exclaimed happily, taking her by the shoulders. "You've got your powers back!"

"Yes, and I promise you that we will succeed in repelling those invaders," she affirmed, motivated.

Suddenly, as Professor Harvey had shifted slightly, the Queen witnessed with dread a horrifying scene: her partner' stomach tore vertically, letting out a large quantity of blood, in a foul smell. His organs were visible between the flakes skin.

She screamed with terror as he collapsed in her arms, grunting and groaning in pain.

She glanced around in horror as their companions were too busy fighting.

In the distance, a witch with long white hair, dark irises and extreme ugliness looked at them with a petty smile.

"My love, stay with me!" she begged, stroking his face terrified at the thought of losing him.

He did not answer, unable to speak or lift his head, so paralysed he was in pain.

Trembling, she clutched his stomach to hers in the hope that the blood would flow more slowly and his organs would stay in place, all the while looking for Flora. The botanist responded to her embrace, which he tightened with the meager strength he had left.

After a few seconds, Luna finally saw the niece of the one she loved, who was finishing imprisoning a witch in the middle of some branches.

"Flora!" she cried out, exhausted. "Come and help me!"

The earth fairy turned in surprise and rushed forward when she saw her uncle, on the verge of fainting.

"God, what happened?!" she questioned in panic, placing her hand on his back. "Uncle Ben?!"

"A witch put a spell on him," the Queen explained, her anxiety only intensifying. "He's badly injured, she's ripped him open. I need you to help me carry him to the storeroom while compressing his stomach."

The young assistant nodded mechanically in shock. She had never seen such barbarity in her life.

"Okay, we should use our wings, we'll be faster."

The fairy clung to her uncle's back and hugged him to the Queen, who imitated her to compress the wound as much as possible. They took off and flew slowly and carefully to the storeroom, hoping to save him, even though they knew his chances of survival were slim. They had to take their chances.

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