Chapter 20 - Rosalind's Revelations

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What Jade doesn't know...


It was about half past ten when Riven and Dane arrived at the dining hall this morning, which was almost empty. It was Saturday and the two Specialists had enjoyed a late night sleep. As they were walking to their usual table carrying their breakfast tray, they were surprised not to find Beatrix there.

"It's weird, she didn't wait for us or send us a message to say she wouldn't be there," Riven said with a frown.

"Maybe she wasn't feeling well this morning, considering the joints she smoked last night," his friend assumed with a shrug.

"I guess you're right, let's go to her room," the older guy decided.

"What about breakfast? I'm hungry!" groused Dane, who had hoped to have something to eat first.

Riven glared at him with incomprehension.

"Beatrix is more important than a slice of bacon," he replied curtly as he was leaving.

Dane followed him, taking what he could to eat on the way to the young fairy's room.

They knocked several times on the door and, hearing that she did not answer, Riven picked the lock, only to find her in bed, asleep.

"You see, she's asleep, there was no point in rushing," his friend told him with a smile.

"No, there's something wrong," he protested, taking small steps towards her.

He called her name softly, in vain, and noticed that her breathing was very slow.

"Dane, I think we have a big problem," he murmured, very concerned.

His interlocutor looked at him with a worried expression:

"Do you think she's overdosed?"

"Yes, she's in a coma, that's for sure," he asserted with certainty. "Go and get Professor Harvey right away, I don't care if we get caught, but she could die! I'll stay here to see how her condition changes."

His friend nodded frantically before running off, not without some trepidation, especially since he had not been well thought of by Sam and his dad since the video of the party was shown. Deep down, he had never wanted to hurt Terra, because he liked her, and he was angry at himself for saying such things.

At the same time, in his office, Ben had just finished eating breakfast with Luna and Flora, who had come back from Linphea with the almond oil. She had taken the opportunity to buy all sorts of flower and fruit pastries.

"Sam, Terra and Stella should be arriving soon to help us," the young assistant informed them.

Her uncle nodded in agreement and turned to the Queen.

"So, are you ready to see again?" he asked, stroking her hand.

"Yes, but I'm not looking forward to it until I see the result," she answered, not wanting to be too optimistic.

She feared that the incantation might not work, or that the potion might be incorrectly dosed.

Sensing her insecurity, the professor squeezed her hand tighter.

"We'll do it, Luna, trust us," he reassured her in a firm voice.

She smiled, grateful, and at the same time Sam knocked on the door, accompanied by Dane, who had told him everything.

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