Chapter 13 - The Trial

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After a full morning of classes, I went back up to the suite with my friends to drop my bag. We didn't have any classes this afternoon and as Silva's trial was at three o'clock, we planned to go there to support Sky and Professor Harvey.

"Terra, did your dad tell you what he was going to say on the stand?" asked Aisha, taking off her jacket.

"No, he didn't want to tell me anything," she answered, shaking her head. "But I'm sure the Queen knows, otherwise she would never have arranged for him to testify."

Bloom added her two cents:

"Anyway, we'll know all about it this afternoon, and we can trust your father to get Silva acquitted," she affirmed confidently.

"Unless my mother decides otherwise and pressures the jury," sighed Stella.

I found it hard to understand why she would have allowed him to testify if she was so keen to see Silva convicted. Stella's mother was a powerful woman, and she would have had no qualms about refusing Mr Harvey's testimony.

"Honestly, I don't think that's going to happen, in which case all she had to do was not to accept," I reassured her with a smile.

"Yes, I suppose you're right," she agreed in a soft voice. "Maybe she prefers justice after all, even if it means not walking with Rosalind and Andreas."

Suddenly, Musa came out of the bathroom after tying her hair in two equal buns.

"Shall we go and eat?" she suggested cheerfully. "In less than two hours we have to be at the courthouse."

Everyone agreed to her suggestion and we went downstairs for a quick lunch before getting ready to be presentable in the courtroom.

After hailing several taxis, we met Professor Harvey, Sky, Sam, Kat and Tecna at the gate. My Specialist and her friend had decided to accompany us to support Silva (well, his illusion).

We arrived at the courthouse twenty minutes early and took our places in the audience of the courtroom. Silva was already standing in the dock, with the counsel sitting in front of him.

"I think your illusion is working perfectly," Sam whispered to Musa.

"Yes, but in my opinion, Miss Dowling is working on it with SIlva's help to make it believable," she said quietly.

I looked around at the rest of the room: the court bailiff was already at his desk, the clerk and the Attorney General too. The jury, consisting of eight women and four men, took their places around the seats reserved for the president judge and the assessors. My gaze went to the prosecution: Andreas seemed to be missing, only the prosecuting counsel was present.

"Sky, is it normal for Andreas to be absent?" I worried, surprised.

"Yes, he told me earlier that he didn't want to face Silva," he informed me, nodding his head.

Good, because he wouldn't have hesitated to tell lies in order to get his old friend sentenced to death.

Suddenly the bailiff's voice resounded as the president came into the room, followed by her two assessors:

"The Court!" he announced in a clear voice.

Once they were seated, he continued:

"The Queen!"

Stella's mother entered and took her seat as a spectator.

"Well, I declare the hearing open," began the president. "I give the floor to the Attorney General to read the indictment. Counselor?"

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