Bonus 8 - Farah And Saul's Wedding

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POV Jade:

It was now the middle of winter, between Christmas and New Year. I'd had a fairly quiet half of the school year, between working on my powers, spending time with Kat, with family and friends, and with my grandma. My mom and Saul had set a date of December twenty-eight to get married at our local town hall, and had planned a honeymoon in the summer.

Bloom and I had been made bridesmaids, and Sky was a best man, as was Professor Harvey, as he was eighteen years old. The bride and groom had decided to have an intimate wedding, inviting only about thirty people: Ben and Luna, my grandma, Bloom's adoptive parents, Kat, our close friends, as well as the teachers and other friends.

A taxi had taken us to the town hall early in the morning, as the road was very snowy due to the previous bad weather.

Now Bloom and I were facing our mom in navy blue dresses. She looked stunning in her white ensemble of strapless blouse, jacket, straight trousers and low-heeled shoes, and her elegant bun with a few strands sticking out.

"You girls look lovely," she complimented us, beaming.

"Not as lovely as you, Mom, you look like a goddess," I replied proudly.

"Saul will faint when he sees you," my sister acquiesced.

Our mom laughed, blushing slightly, and hugged us.

We headed for the wedding hall, where the guests had already taken their seats. I spotted Kat in a long, asymmetrical purple dress and rushed to kiss her, dazzled by a femininity she had never shown before.

"Y-you are sublime," I stammered in shock.

"Just like you, my beautiful one, you're so gorgeous," she retorted in a whisper. "I can't wait to meet you in privacy."

I gave her a knowing smile before joining my mom, my sister, Saul and Sky, who were both dressed in charcoal grey and black suits respectively. All that was missing was the mayor and her deputy to celebrate their union.

As Sky held the little box with the wedding rings, my sister and I each held a bouquet, my mom and Saul gazed at each other lovingly for a long time before taking their turn to sit down; my mom on the left, Saul on the right. I could see in my future stepfather's eyes how much he valued the woman he was about to marry. I quietly watched the royal couple: Ben and Luna were holding hands, as if they were reliving their own wedding, and it was cute to see.

After ten minutes of waiting, the mayor and her deputy finally entered the hall, a sash in Solaria colours adorning their suit, before taking their seats behind a long rectangular table. The crowd fell silent and they brought out the marriage contracts.

"Hello everyone, we are reunited to celebrate the civil marriage of Farah Dowling and Saul Silva," the mayor announced before turning to the couple. "I need your wedding rings."

Sky stood up and presented her with the small box. She thanked him before beginning to outline the various marital duties.

"To begin with, spouses owe each other assistance in all circumstances," she declared, reading from the Civil Code. "Each of you must ensure the well-being of your spouse and help him or her to overcome the various trials of life. Secondly, you have a duty to help, to provide for each other. You also owe each other fidelity, and you must live together. Is that clear?"

"It couldn't be clearer," my mom answered with a smile.

"Did you choose to draw up a marriage contract with a notary beforehand?" she asked, taking off her reading glasses.

"Yes, that's all been done," affirmed Saul, nodding his head.

"Very well, then, we can proceed to the exchange of consents. Saul Pablo Silva, do you agree to take as your lawful wedded wife the here present Farah Mary Helen Dowling and to never fail in your marital duties?"

He took my mom's hand in his and squeezed it tightly.

"Yes, I do," he asserted.

"Do you, Farah Mary Helen Dowling, agree to take as your lawful wedded husband the here present Saul Pablo Silva and to never fail in your marital duties?" she continued, turning to the bride.

My mom nodded her head, very moved:


The mayor gave them the rings so that they could exchange them, first Saul, then my mom, before the long-awaited phrase was spoken:

"You may kiss the bride."

The groom was quick to hug her before taking hold of her lips with passion, to the applause of the guests.

After this moment of joy, they signed the marriage register each in turn, as well as the two wedding witnesses; before the room gradually emptied.

We went down to the courtyard in front of the town hall with confetti and flower petals in hand to wait for them.

After a five-minute wait, they arrived, hanging on each other's arms, beaming, under the petals thrown by the guests, forming a corridor to the car that would take them to the reception hall.

I got into my grandma's car with Bloom and Sky, before meeting them and Kat, who had taken Musa, Aisha and Tecna in her car, while Riven had taken Dane, Beatrix and Ricki.


After the banquet and the tasting of the impressive wedding cake, the bride and groom finally opened the ball, soon joined by the guests. Naturally, Kat and I were dancing together, and when my girlfriend finally placed her lips on mine in a languid manner, my grandma came up to us with a mischievous look.

"It'll be your turn soon, won't it?" she teased us.

"You know, Grandma, there's still time, we're very young," I retorted, laughing.

We were young, but at the same time, she might not have been wrong after all. Life was short, we had to enjoy our loved ones before it was too late...

The End

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