Chapter 23 - Out Of Control

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That Sunday morning, as I was working alone in my room, sitting at my desk, I heard Stella storming into the suite. She had gone to visit her mom, and apparently something unusual had happened.

"Girls, my mom is healed!" she cried in our living room.

Happy for her, I came out of my room and found her surrounded by our friends.

"And we thought we'd failed," rejoiced Terra.

"Did it take until nightfall for the potion to take effect?" inquired Musa, who had attended the treatment the day before.

"Yes, when she woke up this morning, she could see again," replied the light fairy, nodding her head.

"We could celebrate that, couldn't we?" I suggested, full of enthusiasm.

"Yes, plus it's Sunday, it would be a nice change from studying," agreed Aisha, who seemed to want to relax.

We took two packets of crisps out of the cupboard, along with some biscuits and a bottle of lemonade; we had got into the habit of secretly stocking up on food when Rosalind was headmistress, as we didn't always get enough to eat.

Suddenly I felt my mobile phone vibrate in my pocket indicating that I had received a message. It was from my mom.

"Honey, Saul and I are planning a family lunch with you and Sky, so I am sending you this note. Please feel free to ask Kat to join us, we'd love to get to know her better."

Ouch, I really felt like joining them for lunch with Kat, but I was afraid my friends would grill me. Still, I couldn't refuse my mom, I wanted to spend time with my new family.

I answered her text:

"Yes, I'll be there, I'll ask Kat if she's ok".

I texted my Specialist and asked her to come with me.

As I put my smartphone away, while my friends were chatting, I noticed that Bloom was staring at me with a strange and suspicious look. Not for the first time, since the day before, she seemed hostile and constantly on the defensive. What was going on in her head? She seemed to have a grievance against me, but why? A negative energy that I didn't know why was emanating from her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned, not understanding.

"How do I look at you?" she replied, her eyes still glaring at me, her jaw clenched.

"I don't know, you've been as tight as a spring for some time," I retorted, shrugging.

She rolled her eyes, annoyed by my remark. She had stopped watching me, which was a good start.

Meanwhile, Kat had accepted my invitation.

"We'll have to go to Ricki's without delay," asserted Musa. "She must feel terribly miserable."

"I'm not sure she'll let me in," sighed Stella, grimacing.

"Well, if it's to cure her, she'll have to," Terra joked.

As for me, I was finally going to meet the air fairy we'd talked about so much, I couldn't wait.

"Does she live far from here?" I asked for information. "When should we go?"

"She lives in the realm, about a hundred kilometres away," Stella told me.

"We should go in the next few days and surprise her," Aisha added happily.

"I have to admit it's better if I don't announce my arrival," said Stella ironically. "What about you, Bloom? Would you like that?"

The latter gave a long, unenthusiastic sigh.

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