Chapter 19 - A Big Secret

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After the botany class, I hurried to the study room, hoping to get some time alone without my friends. Going back to our suite meant having to face their questions, and especially Musa, who could read my mind. They had noticed that I had not been the same for two days, since I had learned that Miss Dowling was really my mom. I had hardly reacted when Terra and Stella had told us that they had found the cure for the Queen, and I was constantly absent minded. However, I couldn't tell them my secret, my mom would never have forgiven me, she wanted as few people as possible to know. I felt bad because I was afraid of falling out with my friends, and I made myself avoid them so they wouldn't find out.

My specialist's voice suddenly drew me out of my thoughts:

"Jade, are you all right?" she worried. "I haven't seen you for two days, did I say something to upset you?"

Unfortunately, I had also got into the habit of reluctantly avoiding Kat. I didn't want to lie to her about my mother, and seeing her so preoccupied hurt. She felt guilty, she thought she had upset me. I couldn't ruin our relationship like that, I knew she felt something for me, and it was becoming mutual. Kat was funny, brave, very concerned about my welfare, to the point of putting me before herself, and above all, honest and sincere. On top of that, I had a crush on her rebellious hair and sparkling eyes. Every morning I woke up with a smile on my face, eager to see her again.

I got up from my chair, ready to tell her everything.

"Come with me in a calm place, I have something important to tell you," I whispered, leading her outside behind a tree.

She stared at me apprehensively.

"Don't worry, it's not about you," I reassured her, laughing.

Her face relaxed immediately, relieved.

"Is it about Miss Dowling?"

"Yes, in fact, when I went to visit her in her office, I showed her a picture of my father and she recognised him straight away," I told her with emotion. "She has no memory of me as a baby, but she's sure I'm her daughter, because of our bond."

My friend's eyes widened in amazement.

"I knew it!" she exclaimed, trying to make as little noise as possible. "You finally know who your mom is, but it's weird that she doesn't remember you. Are you sure nobody erased her memory?"

It was indeed a possibility not to be ruled out, knowing the hatred Rosalind had for her since Aster Dell.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Rosalind had done something to her mind, but to what end? Not to hurt her, at least, otherwise she would have made her think I was dead, instead of erasing her memory," I replied, shaking my head.

"I don't know what her will is either, but I promise you we'll find out, and we'll avenge her attempt on your mom's life," she affirmed, coming closer to me.

I let her do so and she attempted a show of affection, taking my left hand in hers and gently stroking my cheek with her other hand. The moment her skin touched mine, I felt more alive than ever. I faced my shyness as I gazed into her eyes, my right hand sliding down her hip and up her back.

"Thank you," I shushed tenderly, moving closer to her.

She lowered her head and I lifted up mine, our soft lips finally touching. I savoured this unique moment, as did my Specialist. She was an exceptional young lady, the one I had given my trust to, and I was proud that she was my partner. She was the only one who knew about Miss Dowling and me, and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders, ready to ignore it in front of my friends and close my mind.
Ten minutes later, a downpour forced us to come back inside, and I decided to go to my mom's office to tell her that I had confessed everything to Kat. It was unthinkable not to tell her that my girlfriend knew about our relationship. I walked quietly to the door of her office to avoid being spotted by Beatrix or any of her friends. As I was reaching the door I felt a second presence in her office: it was Silva. I knew that they were very close and I hoped that I would not disturb them by knocking.

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