Bonus 5 - Back To California

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General POV:

That Saturday morning, after breakfast, Saul and Farah had planned to go to Michael and Vanessa's house with the girls, Sky and Lucy, so they could finally meet Bloom's biological grandma. The fire fairy had revealed the truth about her origins shortly after Rosalind's defeat, and her sister and mom had not returned to the First World since the latter's rescue.

While Saul had already gone to pick up Lucy, and Sky and Jade were waiting with them in the Director of Specialists' brand new station wagon, Farah and Bloom were finishing unplugging the appliances. Since the fire, the mind fairy had feared that an accident could occur. Her daughter, on the other hand, was carrying the weight of guilt on her shoulders.

When her mom put her hand on the door handle, she stopped her abruptly.

"Mom, I'm sorry about the fire in your place," she apologized sadly. "You lost a lot of photos, memories, and if Jade hadn't followed her instincts, you might not be alive. I'll be mad at myself for the rest of my life for what I did to you."

Farah smiled kindly at her before hugging her.

"Losing my pictures and some of my items hurt a lot, but I don't blame you, you were totally under Rosalind's control because of the locket, you are not responsible for your actions," she comforted her in a gentle voice.

The fire fairy nodded, surprised that her mom held no grudges.

The two fairies left before closing the flat and going to the car. Iska accompanied them, lying comfortably on Sky's lap. They reached a crossing point to the First World before teleporting to California, not far from Bloom's home.

POV Jade :

We walked up to the white-painted wooden house and stood in front of the door. It had been several months since my mom and I had been there, and this was a first for Grandma, Saul and Sky.

My sister's adoptive parents welcomed us with open arms, very happy to see us. Bloom started by giving them a hug before letting us in.

"You must be Lucy!" exclaimed Vanessa when she saw my grandma. "Bloom has told me a lot about you, and I'm delighted to meet you."

"So am I," she retorted cheerfully. "I thank you for taking care of her and for raising her the way you did."

"And we're really glad that she's been reunited with her biological family, especially her twin sister," Michael affirmed, inviting us into the living room. "We weren't wrong when we noticed a slight resemblance between you two."

I laughed nervously:

"Anyway, at Alfea, it went unnoticed until we decided to tell our classmates the truth."

"It was for the best," my mom assured me. "If the resemblance had been more striking, some students might have been indiscreet and bothered you."

I winced: she was right, it could have been a big deal at school...

We sat down in the couches and Vanessa served us tea and muffins, before giving Iska a big bowl of water.

"She's a beautiful dog," she murmured, stroking her head. "Did you adopt her from an animal shelter or buy her from a kennel?"

"One of my former students demanded to us to keep her," Saul explained. "She was going to join the Solaria Guard and had no one to look after her, so we adopted her."

"Farah was reluctant at first, but since Dad had already agreed, she didn't have much choice," Sky added with a laugh.

"If you want to take a holiday, we can look after her for as long as you want," offered Michael, in admiration of Iska.

"We won't have to, we need someone to stay at Alfea to watch over the place, we can't go on holiday," my mom politely refused.

"How will you manage on your honeymoon, then?" teased Vanessa.

My mom and Saul stared at each other, embarrassed, as if she had touched a nerve. It was another tense pole! Everyone wanted them to get married.

"They'll go on their honeymoon quietly while Sky, Jade and I take care of the housekeeping," my sister answered with a satisfied look. "By then they'll be retired anyway, and there'll be other people to look after the place."

Always the perceptive Bloom, but even though they seemed to take his remark lightly, I could sense that my mom was suffering from the situation. Saul was more of a patient type, not wanting to rush things, while she dreamed of marriage with her soul mate.

"Did you hear that the Queen of Solaria married Professor Harvey?" my grandma questioned to change the subject.

She used to follow the news of the crowned heads closely, so this was the best subject she could come up with to lighten the mood.

"Yes, Bloom told us about that, and she showed us pictures, we've already met Stella and Terra, we were interested to see the wedding," Michael acquiesced.

"The wedding was lavish, the Queen had asked all eight of us along with Ricki and Beatrix to be her bridesmaids, there were over two hundred guests when you count the other royal families from the Other World as well as all the friends on both sides, and those of the children," I recounted as I remembered the day.

I'd never attended a wedding in my life, so I was thrilled to be a bridesmaid, and a royal one at that.

"Do they live in a castle?" inquired Vanessa.

Saul shook his head.

"No, the Queen owns a residence about forty kilometres from Alfea, which is where the five of them live."

"Enough about the wedding, I think it's time we showed you some pictures of Bloom as a child," suggested her foster dad, pulling out the photo album.

Everyone approved, even the main character, who seemed rather proud that her biological family would finally be able to see these photos. My mom, grandma and I all agreed that when we were children, my sister and I looked exactly alike, except for the hair colour, which was different. She had red hair, I had reddish mahogany.

Shortly afterwards, Mike and Vanessa invited us to lunch, and we stayed until early evening discussing our lives.

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