Chapter 8 - The Blood Witch

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What Jade doesn't know...


Rosalind sat comfortably behind the desk that was now hers, after pouring herself a cup of black tea. Tea that she had of course taken from Farah's cupboard. She sipped her cup, caressing the plaque in front of her, on which Farah Dowling's name no longer appeared, but her own. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed this newfound place, which she had abandoned for too long in favour of her former protégée. Killing her had been the price to pay for returning at the head of Alfea, and the headmistress did not regret her choice. Only her teaching methods could prove effective in the war that lay ahead. Negative emotions could increase the power of fairies tenfold, and she intended to use it to her advantage, because, apart from fairies in general, she knew that she was the main target of this war. On her own, it would be impossible for her to survive, but well-trained fairies and Bloom's Dragon Flame could prove to be of great help.

Now Bloom was alone. Farah could no longer protect her from herself, from her bad choices, or from others. Rosalind smiled...she had a key element to obtain her coveted power: a witch. Legend had it that witches were able to steal and use a fairy's Dragon Flame. Yet she wondered how the witches of Aster Dell had failed sixteen years before...

She heard a knock on the door: three sharp knocks. It must have been Luna and Andreas, she had summoned them to discuss the upcoming war and other formalities.

"Come in!" she shouted in an authoritative tone.

The Queen and the Director of Specialists complied and took their places in front of the desk.

"As you know, not all of the Blood Witches perished during the battle of Aster Dell, and the survivors found refuge in other communities," Rosalind began calmly. "I don't know how much time we have before they take their revenge, but I know we don't have much time."

"Do you think you'll have time to catch up the backlog?" Luna worried, a look of angst on her face.

"The teaching staff and I are doing our best," she reassured her confidently. "The fairies had class this morning and it was quite promising. I strongly encouraged them to practice as much as possible."

The Queen turned to Andreas:

"And you?"

"I've stepped up the training sessions for the Specialists, so they need to be ready for the day the threat becomes a reality," he affirmed, staring at her.

"Very well," she nodded curtly. "Do you have anything else interesting to tell me?"

Rosalind stood up and walked around the desk towards the Queen.

"Bloom, your daughter's great friend, is even more powerful than I thought," she informed her. "She single-handedly got rid of all the Burned Ones who had invaded the school. Her power will surely be the most formidable weapon against the witches."

"In that case, I suggest you train her as much as possible, she will be very useful when the time comes," Luna retorted with a little satisfied smile.

"She could make a good team with Beatrix, in fact, they were often together," she nodded.

The Director of Specialists frowned, clearly concerned.

"By the way, aren't you worried that Beatrix will find out that she's not a fairy but a witch?"

Luna's eyes widened and she turned to him, she didn't seem to know the situation.

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