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The morning sun streamed in my face forcing me from my slumber. I squeezed my eyes shut and pulled the blankets over my head. I was not looking forward to any form of activity. I just wanted to sleep or perhaps just stay in this bed all day.

"Did you know you grind your teeth at night?" Caleb questioned me smugly. My eyes were closed, but I could imagine that signature smirk on his face.

"I'm still sleeping," I yawn as I attempt to find a new position.

" So you can go back to making that noise? I think not." Caleb grumbled.

I suddenly feel my blankets be tugged from me, causing my grip to tighten on the blanket. "Just five more minutes," I groaned out.

Caleb seized the tugging. "Just five minutes?"

"Yes," I mumbled.


The blankets slide off my body, exposing me to the cruel world. I sit up quickly, ready to shoot his glare. My expression quickly falters from Caleb's appearance. He was standing at the edge of my bed with his smug face. I was hoping it was just a drunken haze overexaggerating his looks, but fate had other plans. Caleb was still hot. He was even hotter with his disheveled hair and bare chest. I scanned my eyes downwards, seeing how really toned he was.

"You took my shirt," He said, breaking my thoughts.

" You didn't grab your stuff?" I asked. " I thought vampires don't sleep?"

"They don't. I was busy doing other stuff." He said vaguely. Caleb moves away from me, resting his back on a wall.

"You said I grind my teeth. Were you watching me sleep?" I asked slowly.

Caleb scrunched his face at me. "Don't you think that's a bit weird?"

"You're the one making weird comments," I stammer out. My standing with Caleb was still questionable. I didn't understand why he didn't want to kill me or run. Instead, we nearly fucked.

Caleb lets out a laugh. "I was watching tv while you slept. I also did see some interesting phone calls as well." He said with a shrug.

My eyes widen. "Were you snooping on my phone?"

"I saw some notifications, but I just turned it off." He said defensively.

I head out of bed and move toward the dresser. I quickly turn on the phone dreading what I might find. Did the Kings text me? I know I had Marcus's phone number, but anyone could be named Marcus. I watch as my phone comes to life, taking its sweet time to load anything missed.

" What did you see?" I demanded.

" Nothing much," He replies smoothly. Caleb's demeanor was imperturbable. He didn't seem reactive toward my actions nor had any signs of remorse.

Anxiety began filling me in as I watched my notifications flooded with multiple texts. I had multiple missed calls from Charlie, my friends, and even the Cullens. I scroll through, seeing there were no missed calls from any unknown numbers or Marcus.

I sit back on the bed, keeping my eyes peeled on my phone. Charlie's texts were all the same worried and confused.

Madeline Swan, where are you? You need to get home right now. Bella is covered in bruises. She told me her story, but I want to hear your side.

Madeline, this isn't like you. I need you to come home.

There's been an animal attack. Please answer. I need to know you are safe.

Madi, just answer me. I won't be mad. I just need to know you are safe.

My vision becomes blurry with tears. I didn't want Charlie in this mess. I didn't need him being dragged in it, especially after everything he's been through. I was selfish when I left Forks but I had to get out of there. I was doing the same thing Bella did to Charlie.

No, it wasn't the same. I left to escape it, not bring it back to Forks. That was my plan, Forks was dangerous, and I'd had to get away from it. I close my phone, making a mental note to check the other messages.

"You're from Forks. That's near the Cullens territory, isn't it?" Caleb questions. He was standing beside me, freely invading my space.

"Yes," I mutter tensely. I was beginning to second guess my runaway plan. Though, I didn't think I would be able to stomach the thought of staying in Forks.

Forks was a small town. When someone dies, everyone talks about it and is affected by it. It's like the town goes quiet for a few days over an early pass. I can imagine the town reacting to Mr.Jacobsen. His death wasn't just brutal. It was callous and cold. I can't imagine being a part of that.

"Mind giving me the story of their involvement?" Caleb speaks up.

I shoot him a cold glare. "Why would I,"

"Listen, you just mentioned the Volturi, not the Cullens. I think it might be wise to drag you to the Volturi." He replies coolly.

"Then why don't you?" I questioned with irritation.

"You intrigue me," Caleb replies smoothly.

"That's it?" I snapped, with a glare,

"I've been stuck being a vampire ever since the 1980s. You tend to get bored." He replies with a shrug.

His answer baffled me. Caleb was willing to interact with me because he was intrigued. That didn't make sense in the slightest. Was being immortal truly that tiresome?

"Well, if you're going to go back on the deal, then there isn't anything to say," I say factually. keeping my eyes on him.

I watched at the corners of Caleb's mouth curled upwards. "Who said I would be?

I could feel my grow warm " Are you or are you not?"

"Am I what?"

His lack of commentary was irritating. If he were just going to be vague, I'd spend my time elsewhere. I didn't owe him my attention, and I wasn't certainly going to give him any more attention. I freely roll my eyes and turn to take my attention elsewhere.

"Okay, okay," He replies, raising his hands. "I told you, you intrigue me. I won't drag you back."

"If you drag me to the Volturi-" I began to say, only to be cut off by Caleb's sharp laugh.

" See, interesting." He said with a smirk, taking a couple of steps toward me.

Caleb seemed so comfortable in my space. It was like being in my inner circle boosted his ego. His presence intimated me. It caused my heart to hammer in my chest. His casualness to the situation scratched my brain.

"I made a deal with you. I'll keep it." He said sincerely, capturing my eyes with his.

I take a couple of seconds to process his words. I didn't want to go back to the Volturi. The very idea caused me heartache and rage. Caleb's threat didn't sit lightly on my brain and opened the door to many issues I needed to address.

"I'm gonna get ready. I have errands to run." I say, breaking eye contact with him.

I didn't give Caleb the chance to respond before I headed to the bathroom. I was stressed and full of intrusive thoughts that I needed to deal with. Me losing my cool would be just another problem added to the list. I needed to get outside and soak in all the sun's vitamin D. Maybe shopping and visiting local stores would give me time for that. I went here for a reason, and I'll stay until I'm ready. This was my trip, my life, and that meant everything I do is because of my own decisions.

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