Under the Night Sky

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I decided to walk home after that

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I decided to walk home after that. I didn't know where I was going, but I felt comforted that every step I took was further away from the scene. No, not a scene. Caleb would make sure there wouldn't be one. No one will know what happened except for Caleb and me. The similarity of Sky's death closely mirrored Mr.Jacobsen's death. But, there was a main difference between the two that I had to acknowledge. I actively killed Sky.

" Now, where are you heading off," an amused voice spoke.

I see Caleb's tall figure leaning against one of the trees. Keeping himself halfway shrouded in the darkness. " We can't stay at the bar, might as well go home," I speak out.

" Hmm, are you afraid your new friends will be suspicious of you?" He chafed. Walking away from the trees, the moon exposed his bright ruby eyes, indicating a sickening deed we committed.

"They weren't my friends," I state. My response must've brought amusement to him from his sly expression.

"Right I suppose it is easier to lure people with a sense of familiarity," Caleb spoke carefully, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

The action caused my face to flush to my demise. Even in this situation, Caleb had a way of manipulating my body. His actions ranged a similarity I've caught myself begrudgingly imagining with the Kings.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked, taking a step back from him. I was eager to get as far away from the scene as possible. Caleb's constant banter only delayed me from what I needed.

"No, what about you?" Caleb asked, seeming not ready to drop his deferring antics.

I gave him a look before beginning to walk. Unfortunately, Caleb easily kept up with my pace basking in my irritation. I was sure any reaction towards him fueled his ego more than it should.

"It gets easier," Caleb spoke out suddenly, causing me to halt my steps once more. I looked over at Caleb and noticed his face. For once, his face didn't have that annoying smugness to it. Instead, his lips were relaxed, while his eyes almost seemed to have a softness to them.

I carefully digest his words, tasting their bitterness. I felt the truth to his words but to admit it out loud? "What does that say about me?" The question flew from my mouth before I even had a chance to censor them.

" Do I have an excuse? Or am I just a killer?" Keeping my eyes trained on Caleb, I waited for his words.

Caleb's eyes contrasted sharply against the lighting of the moon. His ruby eyes were again the same brightness as when I first met him. He just stared at me, drawing the silence between us longer than it should be.

"Why does it matter?" Caleb asked cooly. " Would you rather take their place instead?"

The build of words grew stuck in my throat. I wanted to quickly affirm that I would or at least do everything in my power to prevent it, but the truth was that I wouldn't. I wouldn't have saved Cammy if I knew I would die or Mr.Jacobsen. That didn't mean I wanted them to die, though. They were great people, they had people that loved them and seemed to be at least doing something in their life. I wanted to live, though, I wanted something I knew I couldn't have, yet I didn't want to end my life. My mortality was temporary, but that didn't mean I couldn't at least live.

"I can't remember when I truly felt remorse, maybe it was my first kill? My newborn phase was a blur. I won't stand and tell you it's just the way of life. If you want to drown in pity, then drown. I will tell you that once you turn, all of this will be meaningless. Your thirst will be the very thing that pulls you out of your moral battle." Caleb spoke.

"Help me, then," I utter. I wasn't sure what compelled me to say it, to reach out for aid.

Caleb shoots me a devilish smirk, completely erasing his once-cold features. "Haven't I already?"

Warmness spread throughout my face before any chance of coverage Caleb quickly bops my nose with his finger. "Let's get back to the resort."


"It wasn't your choice to make," Jane's ice-cold voice rang. It was clear the Volturi would see no reason between their pleas. The newborn would have to be killed.

" Where did you come from?" Jane asked only to create pain towards the newborn named Bree. It frustrated Jane that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't replicate the cracks she created on the Cullen boy. The realization only cemented that whatever happened had to do with Madeline.

"Please, she'll tell you everything you need to know." Esme broke out, causing Jane to seize her torture.

"And of you? Would you tell us your motives for adding another vampire to your family?" Alec broke out, taking a stand towards his sister.

" We only wish to help. We'll take full responsibility for her," Carlisle spoke, placing a hand on Esme's shoulders.

"Regarding your Queen's order, you expressed concerns about your capability and responsibilities. What makes you think this newborn will be different?" Jane questioned cooly.

The mention of Madeline's name brought another layer of tension towards the Cullens. Each member knew precisely that this was their punishment, that no matter what, the Volturi wouldn't let Bree live.

" Felix, clean this mess. We have other business to attend to." Jane spoke tersely.

Felix stalks menacingly toward Bree as the Cullens stay frozen in their place. None of them couldn't bring themself to defend Bree. All Bree could do was plead for reconsideration as Felix got closer. The only sympathy Bree received was a swift snap before being set aflame.

" Remember, the Volturi doesn't offer second chances. Caius will be interested that Bella is still human." Jane tersely spoken, watching the flames quickly consume Bree.

"The date is set after graduation," Bella stammers out, refusing to make eye contact with Jane.

Jane stares momentarily towards Bella, basking in the fear that Bella has. " Demetri, find our Queen."

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