Uneven Heartache

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A/n: I am sorry for the long delay!!! I have no intention not finishing this story, I just have been busy with life, but I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

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A/n: I am sorry for the long delay!!! I have no intention not finishing this story, I just have been busy with life, but I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Ever since the night at the waterfall, I've done exactly what I promised. Sure, I moved a bit more slowly towards than I would like, but nonetheless, I've been living my life. Things with Caleb also went stagnant. I felt like Caleb understood the silent agreement we placed amongst ourselves, No attachments.

We were heading in a different direction. It was simply enjoying each other's company. Nothing quite sexual ever happened. There would be intimate touches that would occur, but never once was it went to the extent from our first meeting. It's almost as if Caleb knew the fleeting guilt I felt from every gesture.

"You finally awake, I see." A deep voice sang out as a strong arm tightened around me.

"This time voluntarily." My snarky voice grumbled. My sleepy eyes attempt to adjust the morning light. The sun blazing glow broke through the blinds and cascaded against Caleb's skin, giving him a beauty that Adonis himself would cower in insecurity.

Caleb gave a soft hmph noise before unwrapping himself from me. I watch lazily as he grabs a magazine from the coffee table, tossing the paper in my direction.

"What is this?" I asked, finding amongst the many pages Caleb created a fold towards the corner as a makeshift bookmark.

"That my friend is Scotland." I give a slight hum scanning the display of an old castle that screamed classic renaissance architecture. The camera work did a great job showcasing the typical moody weather I associate Europe with.

"More specifically, Edinburgh, Scotland." Caleb walks towards the window. Using his two fingers, he slightly opens the wooden beams, allowing a more significant stream of light to hit his face. "Avoiding this sunny weather is becoming more than a nuisance."

"So you want us to leave?" I asked, more to myself. I take note of the lived-in bungalow. My presence around the place has quickly become rooted with various clothing articles.

"The thought has crossed my mind."

A smile crept on my face setting down the magazine " A change of scenery would be nice. It's not like I have anywhere else to be." I replied with humor. I hadn't bothered to text anyone back after my announcement to Charlie. I promptly blocked everyone, no one had a way to reach me.

"I'd expect you to hold more resistance about leaving." He asked smoothly, giving a slight motion towards the lived-in space.

"Jamaica was nice, but I would rather travel to other destinations," I replied, resting my hand underneath my chin.

"Alright, it's settled. Then we'll leave tomorrow." Shooting me his signature smirk. His eyes sparked of mischief that caused my own lips to perk up.

"I'll take today actually to enjoy the sun, then," I replied, giving a dramatic sigh as I made my way out of the bed.

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