Bottled Emotions

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"Are you really going to do it this time?" Caleb piqued. Today was the day I was going to make contact with Charlie.

"Yes, now leave," I snapped. Caleb's commentary on his doubts wasn't making it easier for me.

" It's sunny out, remember?" He pointed out smugly.

I let out a series of swears damning Caleb before taking my leave. I knew Caleb would be able to freely hear me on deck, yet the idea of his peering gaze on me would only make the situation worse.

I suited myself on the deck, letting my feet enter the warm ocean waters. The phone was in my hands, showcasing Charlie's contact on the screen. I just needed the extra push to actually follow through.

I let out a deep sigh and hit the call button. I pressed the phone to my ear. Every time a ring passed, I'd manage to grip it tighter than last.

" Madeline," Charlie breathed out.

It was too late to hang up now.

"Hey, Uncle," I let out awkwardly. I was unsure of how to respond.

" Are you safe? Where are you?" Quickly drowning my ears in questions.

"Uncle, I'm fine. I'm safe." I hurriedly assured.

The other line became silent. I was beginning to think I had lost reception. Finally, I started to get ready to speak my scripted apology before Charlie's voice spoke.

" Madeline Swan, what the hell were you thinking? Get home now," Charlie snapped.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to manage the wavering emotions within. " I can't," I let out quietly.

"You can't? Why the hell not? Is this about your fight with Bella?" Charlie pressed on.

I harshly bite the inside of my cheek " Honestly, it is about her."

My confession hung heavily in the air. Charlie took his time to respond. Probably trying to find ways to determine what path to convince me to return. I took this advantage to add to my defense.

" I need time to reflect on myself, Uncle. I'm safe, and I'm sorry for causing you fear. I just need a break from Forks." I explain.

Again the other side remained silent. I never really got in trouble with Charlie growing up. Sometimes he would raise his voice at me but mostly attempt to talk in a leveled, stern voice. This time was different; he was silent.

"The strain of recent events, I get it. I-I we can work this out together, Madeline. With Bella adjusting again, it's a shift for all of us." Charlie explained tiredly.

" Charlie, I just need some time." I pleaded.

" Bella came with bruises and a bloody nose. Said you had a fight. Is this what caused you to leave?" He asked.

I take a deep breath. " A percentage of it."

" What about school? You're right to the finish line of graduating, Madds."

" In less than a month, I'll graduate," I assured.

I had good grades and attendance. Not to sound smug, but I was pretty sure they wouldn't care even if I didn't get my diploma. I'll have time to try.

" You're only eighteen - well, turning nineteen soon. I'm trying to say Madds is that running like this isn't the answer," Charlie stressed. " I know things have been tense with you and Bella, but she's trying to reach you again, Madeline. That breakup affected her, but she's making up for it."

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