Twisted Challenge

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Breathe, remember he could kill you in a second." I reminded myself to take a sharp inhale to cool my breathing.

After my breakdown in the bathroom, I gathered enough strength to pull myself together. Every movement I made sent me into overdrive, worriedly looking to see if someone might have been watching me. My paranoia only seemed to increase as I stood in front of my temporary home.

"Fuck it," I mumbled, taking charge as I entered the room.

I pause all movements scanning the area for Caleb is nowhere in sight. I took a couple of steps further into the room cautiously.

Did he leave?

I grew uneasy with the thought being true. The news of Cammy missing made me feel like I was on a path to getting this pinned on me.

I hastily grab my suitcase, flinging it on my bed to pack all the contents I've collected. I needed to leave the area and make sure I didn't have any suspicions that could cause me to be stuck here.

"What are you doing?" A voice called, causing me to whip my head around. I take a breath attempting to slow down the beating of my heart.

"People are looking for Cammy," I spoke tersely.


I clicked my tongue in annoyance. " A girl went missing at a party. Ring a bell to you."

I suddenly feel Caleb's cool hand wrap around my wrist, making me jump from the contact. I quickly shot him a harsh glare that only fueled an amused smirk on his face.

"Paranoia of being caught that's good to have when you turn if you can balance it." He simply said, studying me with his red eyes.

"I was with her at the party," I spoke, yanking

my wrist from his grip.

" I-i knew her. I actively went out to a party with her. People will remember that." I rushed out, turning to face him.

"We'll be fine, besides she was gone before you ever left," he pointed out, shooting me a wicked smirk.

" She was my friend," I breathed out.

" You left her at a party."

" Yeah, under the idea she left," I exclaimed.

" Either way, everything is taken care of. There's no need to get all worried." Caleb dismisses.

"Still," I mumbled, finding the floor more interesting. The conflicting feelings swirled violently in my stomach.

"I think it's time to ensure you can follow through on your end of the deal," Caleb spoke.

The hammering in my chest began to increase further. I hope that maybe I heard him wrong. Unfortunately, his expression told me differently. Caleb was testing me, making sure I could actually be useful. The idea of taking a person's life again made my throat tight. This feeling was in no way similar to how I felt when I made the deal.

Perhaps I was in over my head with this deal. I bit the inner of my cheek harshly. I needed to pull myself together. The time was coming when I had to make my end of the deal

" Alright, when?" I asked between steady breaths.

Caleb lets out a deep laugh stepping close to playfully bop my nose " Get ready we have big plans tonight."

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