End of The Line

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The overwhelming sense of being watched was eating at my nerves. I had left the bungalow several hours ago and replaced my settings to one of the resort's open sections.

Lucky for me it was an open area fully embracing the island's charm. Digging my feet in the sand I breathe In the salty air finding comfort from each lungful.

The sun was just rising, giving a sight that very few people were awake for. Some sluggish, grimacing from the sun's rays as they walked. In contrast,there were others full of energy carrying an itinerary that demanded attention. I was never a morning person, even now sitting in the early hours only dampened my mood.

I slumped further in my seat, my attempts to figure out my next move. I was fooling myself believing I actually had freedom, if anything my constant poor attempts to freedom grew to a poor format of Sisyphus' story. An unknown number washed upon the screen taunting me to take the odds. Caleb's face washes in my head. The need to know of his whereabouts crumpled any logical reasoning.

"Hello." Paranoia was seeping in my brain. I scanned amongst the people's faces trying to find any familiar faces, finding none among the sea of people.

" I rather enjoyed our coffee trip, thinking about joining me for another?" That voice. Full of ego enwrapped with a casanova charm crept a deep fear in me. My odds mocked me once again, providing no new updates of Caleb's whereabouts.

" Demetri. I never figured you to be a morning person." My voice coated in charm that would have a southern mama tear up. I can picture my remark growing his shit eating grin.

"I guess you could expect that but I assure you , I am full of surprises, your highness."

I only scoff in response. An odd silence grew between us. I wasn't sure what I expected from this call. I know they are near. They had to be, I was sure of it. Despite the protection from the sun it would be foolish not to consider everyone and anyone a threat.

" The King's wish for you to communicate with them, Madeline. Perhaps if you call them—"

I abruptly hung up the phone, not caring of the consequences. Calling them was completely out of the question. If they wanted me back they would have to drag me to wherever desolated castle they resided in. A call from Demetri meant my time was running short. Marcus gave me all the information I needed. The Kings wouldn't get the hint unless I'd scream at their face.

I give the area one last look. Morning person or not I had grown spoiled by the tropical sunny morning. Leaving the resort was inevitable but making it easy was out of the question. I smirked at the idea, Demetri and the Guard could haul me away tonight but it was going to cost them their sanity.


It was noon, before I managed to grab myself a private cab. With the constant paranoia lingering in the back of my head, I did my best trying to find any place to keep myself calm. I didn't bother trying to go back to the bungalow, with Caleb's warning and Demetri's phone call I didn't want the Volturi to get anywhere close to my temporary sanctuary. I still had no calls from Caleb and with no way of contacting Caleb I worried for his safety. I've managed to convince myself that every second the Volturi Guard was away the further Caleb was away from Jamaica..

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