Giyuu x Demon! Sabito

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(There both around 14 in this and Sabito never died, in this au Makomo died but then Sabito cut off the head of the hand demon in a rage)

It was a lovely day outside, birds chirping, flowers blooming, demons burning, but that all was ruined when Giyuu burst into Urokodaki's home, yelling something loudly while tears seeped down his flawless skin.
Urokodaki looked at the crying boy, immediately wondering what's wrong before he spoke.
"Sa-Sabito... He was turned to a D-Demon!" Giyuu yelled out, crying.
Urokadi lauched out of his seat and came up to Giyuu, asking him a question. "Where is he?!" The old white haired man asked, concern all over his voice.
"I-I tied him up a-and... knocked him out, o-outside of the house." The raven haired boy said, making it hard to understand him due to the loud crying from loosing the one he loved.
"Good boy." Urokodaki said, patting his head and rushing outside to where Giyuu said Sabito was.
As Urokodaki thought, he found Sabito knocked out underneath a tree, so the sun wouldn't get to him.
Smart boy. Urokodaki thought as he walked to the pastel colored boy.
He had changed a bit.
He had a horn on one side of his head and had crack markings going through all his face.
The old man examined the newly demon.
The ravenette then walked out, tears still falling from his face, just not as many.
"D-do we know a cure for demons?" He asked in a shaky voice.
"No, if we did, there would probably more humans around and less demon slaying." Urokodaki told him.
Giyuu looked down and gritted his teeth. "There is a cure! And I will find it!" He yelled out to the mask wearing man.
Sabito then woke, growling and trying to eat them, luckily the ravenette was smart and tied him tightly to the tree he was under.
"Giyuu, has he eaten any humans yet?" The old man asked.
"Uhm, no, I got him before he was able to do so." The ravenette said, looking down at the ground.
"Well, then I think he is hungry, we may have to slay him, I'm so sorry." Urokodaki said, in a sad tone of voice.
"No! Let me try something!" The ravenette said as Urokodaki was about to knock him out once again.
"As you wish Giyuu." The white haired man said and stepped away, allowing Giyuu to step forward to where the pastel colored male was sitting down tied to a tree.
Sabito was quite a strong demon, Giyuu thought that he may get out of the ropes, he was already severely shaking the tree.
Giyuu came up to Sabito and smiled softly. "H-hey it's me, don't you re-remember?" He said in the most gentle voice he could muster in there situation.
The taller demon continued to growl at Giyuu. "Its me? Your best friend!" He said a bit louder.
"DAMMIT SABITO! REMEMBER! YOUR HUMAN!" Giyuu yelled out loud at the taller of the boys.
Sabito's eyes widened and then he started to cry.
Then he spoke.
"G-Giyuu... I'm sorry, I became our enemy and now I'm a man-eating monster..."
Urokodaki had left, giving the 2 boys some privacy.
Giyuu untied the ropes on Sabito and ran to him, wrapping his arms around his bestfriend in a tight embrace, crying loudly still.
"Shh.. it's ok I'm back in my right mind, and I will not let anyone hurt you, ever, even if I am a demon." The pastel haired boy said in a very gentle voice.
*2 months later*
(Giyuu has Nezuko's box for Sabito now)
Giyuu was fighting a demon, it wasn't a 12 kizuki but it was almost as equally strong.
He struggled and then it slashed his stomach leaving him passed out on the ground.
"Finally, I can have my lunch." The demon said walking up to Giyuu.
Sabito heard Giyuu was in danger and immediately kicked open the box and came out.
He was now a taller muscular boy, who was quite strong against other demons.
He growl at the demon and picked up Giyuu's sword.
"Another demon?! Don't you dare eat my lunch!" The other demon spat coldly.
Sabito laughed, hard and glared at the other demon.
"Eat him?! Why would I ever do that?!" Sabito yelled, in a protective stance over Giyuu.
He remembered all his training and slashed the head of the demon easily.
The demon looked towards the pink haired boy and spoke, as he disintegrated.
"Why are you killing me!? I'm not the enemy!" It yelled.
"Because you eat humans, and you threatened to eat my Giyuu." The scared male said simply.
The demon was gone, and Sabito head straight towards Giyuu.
Sabito knew that he needed to get him to the headquarters to be healed. But he also knew that he was a demon, and they would probably slay him on sight. But he didn't really care at that moment. He just needed to help Giyuu.
So with that he picked the injured boy up gently, holding him bridal style, and started sprinting for head quarterers.
When he finally arrived he got some weird looks, as everyone knew he was a demon, and he was so delicately holding a human.
Abruptly Tengen (Just pretend everyone else is still a hashira, Giyuu isn't yet) stepped infront of Sabito blocking his way.
"What is a demon doing here? And why do you have one of the demon slayer corps?" He said with a low, suspicious tone.
Sabito looked his straight in the eye, only having to tilt his head up slightly.
"Sir, he was injured during a fight with another demon, so I brought him here, can you do anything?" Sabito said with a soft but serious tone.
"Hmm.. I'll get master Kagaya, stay put, btw my name is lord Tengen, tell anyone if they try to kill you that I said to stay there."
The tall white haired male walked off for a moment.
Then a slash of a blade came towards his head and he quickly dodged and looked back to see another white headed male, just with scars all over his face.
"Demon! Get out of here! Or I kill you, wait, Yeah! That's what I should do!" He yelled.
"Lord Tengen told me to stay put while he goes to get your master." The pink haired male said in a calm tone.
"That stupid man." Sanemi whispered under his breathe.
Uzui returned and told Sabito to follow him.
Sanemi just glared at Sabito and then walked off.
They arrived at there masters place, and Kagaya told Uzui to leave so they could have some privacy.
"So, your a demon caring an injured human?" The blind man said.
"I indeed am." Sabito said in return.
"So, I will assume your intentions are to bargain with him." Kagaya said calmly once more.
"What?! No! I brought him here to get him healed! I didn't come to bargain with him!" He loudly said, holding Giyuu tightly in his arms.
"I see.. why?" The master asked, confused.
"Because we're are friends, and I would never hurt him, I couldn't, even if I tried." Sabito said.
"Alright, I will get him to the medics." Sabito glared. "I'm sorry sir but I'm not leaving his side." Sabito said calmly.
"Come along then." Kagaya motioned for him to follow.
Sabito carried his to a room full of beds.
Kagaya told him to put Giyuu down in a bed but Sabito shook his head, saying that he didn't want to let Giyuu go.
Kagaya nodded and went off to go get Koucho.
Sabito pulled Giyuu onto his lap, as he sat on the side of the bed, laying Giyuu's head on his chest, running his fingers through the raven colored hair.
Koucho then walked in and looked at them.
"Well, my my, a demon cuddling a human, how bizarre." The black and purple haired woman said.
"Can you heal him?!" Sabito asked desperately.
"I can" Koucho nodded.
"But you will have to let go of him first." She said, pointing to how tightly he was holding the Ravenette.
"Fine." He said as he lay the ocean eyed male down and got up.
The purple eyes woman walked over to the ravenette and started looking at his wounds.
"Well, it might take some time, but he can be healed."
Sabitos eyes brightened and he nodded and thanked her.
"But I do wonder, why is a demon helping a human?" Koucho asked.
"Well, we've known eachother for a while, and we are... kind of dating I guess? Me and him a pretty close, thats why I'm so attached to him."
Sabito explained carefully to the butterfly like female.
Koucho nodded.
"He is very important to you then hmm?" Sabito nodded and smiled down at the small blue eyed male.
Koucho started bandaging him up and doing stuff to help him recover.
She left saying that's all she could do today.
Sabito nodded and she left.
Giyuu woke up soon after she left and the first thing he saw was Sabito smiling down at him.
" 'Morning sleepy head."
"Sabito?" Giyuu said in a tierd voice.
Sabito sat down on the bed and leaned against the bar bed frame. The pastel colored male pulled the ravenette into his lap and put his hands around the others waist and putting his head on top of Giyuu's.
He held Giyuu tightly, like he was threatening he would never let go, with his grip.
"Sabito? Why are you holding me so tightly?" The ravenette asked.
"I- I just thought I would loose you." The pink haired male confessed.
"Well I'm right here, with you." Giyuu said, smiling at him.
Sabito leaned over Giyuu's shoulder and kissed him, it was sweet and passionate, when they pulled away after what felt like eternity, Sabito smiled at the cute little baby boy on his lap.
The two lovers then realized how late it was getting and went under the covers, Sabito going into a spooning position with Giyuu being the little spoon. And they drifted off to sleep...

1703 words

Quite a long first oneshot eh? I probably will make a part 2 to this, but who knows. Anyways hope you enjoyed byeee.

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