christmas special

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My pov:
The night was misty and full of laughing and cheers. The night before Christmas, Christmas Eve some might call it.
The family I'm telling you about is called, the Tomioka family.
The father- Sabito 27
The mother or other father- Giyuu 26
The daughter: Ayaka 7
The son: Fuji 4
The (male) baby: Moda
Giyuu pov:
Me and my husband were out buying Christmas presents. We left our kids with Makomo, Sabitos sister, and the kids aunt.
It was about 6:00 PM and tomorrow was Christmas, but I still didn't have the perfect gift for my husband. Yes I did have gifts for him.. But they weren't the perfect one.
The perfect gift is the main gift were they love it with all there heart, almost as much as you. To get the perfect gift you need effort.. But it was hard to get the perfect gift when who your trying to get it for is standing right beside you.
We were in Walmart, in a toy aisle since we where shopping for our kids, Ayaka and Fuji.
I noticed a little green teddy bear that I thought would be perfect for Fuji since he loved the color green.
Sabito had found a little horse toy for Ayaka and a little . I grabbed the teddy bear and then look towards my husband.
"Sabito, I'm going to go look for something, stay here." He nodded and I gave him the teddy bear, telling him it was for Fuji, then walked away.
Now I have to find the perfect gift for him... But what could I even get him?
I looked around to see if anything I could get him. I found a poster of his favorite band, twenty-one pilots. But that's not special, he could get that any where.. I grabbed it anyway to give it to him as a normal gift.
I might have to leave Walmart and go somewhere else to find the said perfect gift. But I can't leave Sabito here... Fuck this is so stressful.
I heard my name being called and looked back to see Mitsuri with her h
Bestfriend, Iguro, behind her.
"Hey Giyuu! Whatcha looking for?" She said happily.
I looked behind her to see a fuming Obanai, who I guess really didn't want to talk to me, and honestly, who does? Mitsuri I guess.
"I'm looking for the perfect gift for Sabito, what about you?" I replied to her happily, a small smile tugging at my lips.
"I'm here to get Shinobu-chan a gift!" Mitsuri replied happily to me.
"And Mr. I don't want to be here, behind me, wants to get Mr. Lonely, a gift." I knew what who she meant by Mr. lonely, she meant Sanemi.
Poor guy never got married or even into a relationship. I know back in the day he had an interest in me but I went for Sabito instead. I still feel bad about that cause I genuinely liked Sanemi. But I could never leave Sabito.
Iguro's faced flashed a bright red.
"No I'm not..." Iguro said.
"Oh come on Iguro! We both know you have a crush on Sanemi." Mitsuri said teasingly.
Iguro covered his face, trying to hide his blush.
"Iguro has a crush? On Shinazugawa?" I said, looking at Mitsuri confused.
"Obanai has a crush on 'Nemi?" Genya butted in.
"Holy shit!" I jumped into the air.
Genya just shrugged.
"I'm here with Mui cause he wanted to get a gift for his brother, he claimed he forgot to get him one." Genya said rolling his eyes at Muichiro.
"Hey! I did forget you asshole!" Genya's boyfriend, Tokito, yelled from a few metres away.
"Yeah, yeah, I know baby." Genya said, motioning with his hands for Tokito to come over.
Tokito walked over and looked up at Genya, who was the tallest in the group.
"Aren't you guys a bit to young to be calling each other pet names like baby?" I asked simply.
Genya and Tokitos heads both looked over to me.
"We're in high school, Tomioka, and I'm pretty sure you and your husband did it too." Genya answers.
"I see your point.. Anyway, I'm heading off to find something to get for Sabito." I said before going back to find Sabito.
Sabito pov:
Giyuu has been missing for awhile... Did he get kidnapped?! Or did he leave me?!
I started to panic since I didn't know where he was.
Just then I saw him walking towards me with something hidden in his jacket.
"Holy fuck Yuu! You scared me!" I yelled then embraced him for a hug.
"Sorry Sabi, I just needed to go look for some things," He stared, smiling at me. "But, are we ready to go? I am." He finished.
"Yea, we have this teddy bear for Fuji and this unicorn for Ayaka, I think we're ready." I said and grabbed his hand, and started walking to the self checkout.
We got out and then went to our little Navy blue van, putting the bags in the back. I got into the driver seat and Giyuu got in the passenger seat. We were heading home and then Giyuu asked to get let out in a place near a mall.
"Why?" I asked.
He responded with he needed to get a gift for Makomo.
Giyuu pov:
My lie was half true, I needed a gift for Makomo but I also needed to look for the perfect gift for Sabito.
I got out and told Sabito to go home and I'll get an Uber to take me home.
He nodded and kissed my cheek, telling me to be safe before driving off.
I walked into a jewelry store, finding a little necklace with a pink jewel inside it, and deciding to get it for Makomo.
I was about done until I saw a pair of earrings catch my eye, I turned around and looked at them.
They were little golden stud earrings with lavender hearts in them that were about the shade of Sabitos eyes.
It's... The perfect gift...
I though. I quickly grabbed them and went to pay.
"Your total is 600$," The cashier said.
"These are both very pretty, are they for your wife?" The cashier said, in an attempt to make small talk.
"You could say that I guess." I said, handing him 600$ in cash.
"What do you mean 'I guess'?" He said.
"I mean I don't have a wife. I have a husband." I said calmly, grabbing the bag and leaving the store before anything further conversation could be made.
I called and Uber and when he arrived I got in, telling him my home address.
When we arrived I thanked him and payed and walked into my house, immediately being hugged by my 2 children.
"Daddy!! I missed you!" Ayaka yelled, hugging my waist.
"Dada!" Fuji said, hanging onto my leg.
Sabito walked in holding Moda in his arms.
"Your definitely the favorite parent." Sabito smiled.
Sabito handed Moda to me and Moda started smiling and laughing.
"Oh? And why is that?" I kissed Moda on the cheek.
Moda was giggling happily, his Dark blue eyes shining brightlt at me.
"They all like you so much more." Sabito giggled.
I giggled too and went over to him, kissing him on the cheek.
"Well your my favorite." I said.
He picked Moda out of my arms and gave him to his Ayaka, then pulled me in for a kiss.
We kissed for about 5 seconds before he pulled away.
"Oh, I need your help wrapping presents." He said quickly while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Honestly Sabito, you need to learn this." I said chuckling.
He laughed a bit.
"I know, I know." Sabito crouched down and looked his daughter in the eyes. "I'm trusting you to take care of these too."
Ayaka nodded agressively, her light brown mid length hair flopping back and fourth. Sabito smiled at her and grabbed my hand, taking me to our room.
We got the wrapping paper out of the closet and started wrapping everything.
Once we finished I told Sabito to leave and he did. I pulled out the little pair of earring, putting them in a small red box, then wrapping that box in snowman wrapping paper.
I then wrapped the poster and the necklace, then going out and finding the 4 watching paw patrol on the TV.
I put the gifts under the tree which was gam packed with gifts.
Ayaka and Fuji were sitting on either side of Sabito while Moda sat on Sabitos lap.
I went to the couch behind it, since the tree was behind the couch and I had previously been there. I kiss Sabitos cheek.
Sabito smiled at me and I told them I was going to make dinner.
I just made some simple Ramen and called them for dinner. Ayaka and Fuji came running and Sabito walked in with Moda in his arms.
Everyone sat down at the table and I gave everyone there Ramen, except I gave Moda a bowl of soft fruits, which I found he quite liked.
We all started eating, Ayaka rambling on about how school was boring and she was glad it was Christmas break.
We finished eating and Fuji and Ayaka ran off to go play in there room.
Sabito, me and Fuji went and sat on the grey living room couch, me and Sabito sitting beside each other while Moda sat in his crib playing with toys in it.
I rested my head on Sabitos shoulder and Sabito turned on Attack on Titan for us to watch. We were in the middle of rewatching it.
I flinched at the sight of Bertolt getting eaten.
A few hours later it was 9:00, Moda was already asleep and I told Sabito I was going to put the other two to sleep.
Sabito nodded and continued watching while I put Ayaka and Fuji to bed.
Ayaka was fast asleep as soon as I told her to go to bed. But I had to read Fuji a story to get him to sleep.
I got downstairs again and Sabito sat me in his lap. I blushed since we haven't done this since high school.
"I love you.." Sabito rambled.
I pushed his head off my should and got up.
"I'd love to cuddle but I have to take Moda to his bed." I said, flustered and trying to avoid the situation.
I picked Moda up gently and brought him to his crib in our room, gently setting him down and placing a little blanket over him. I smiled at him and went to Sabito.
"We should go to be now too Sabito, I just now Ayaka and Fuji will be making us wake up early tomorrow." I said with a laugh.
He laughed a bit too and got up, taking my hand in his own.
"Alright, my love." Sabito chuckled.
Sabito and I walked hand in hand to our bedroom, once arriving laying down in bed.
Sabito layed on his back and layed me on his chest. I cuddled my head close into it and fell asleep.
Sabito pov:
Giyuu fell asleep quite quickly but I was laying in bed for a few hours thinking.
Eventually I fell asleep with my hands wrapped out Giyuu protectively.


We woke to a baby crying and two children shaking us and trying to get us awake. I got up and told them not to wake Giyuu. I gently layed Giyuu there and picked Moda up, bringing them all down for breakfast.
I made some Miso soup for breakfast, pouring some bowls for everyone, including the Ravenette who was still asleep. I sat Moda down and gave him his bowl, then I set my bowl down along with Ayaka's, and Fuji's, leaving Giyuus on the counter for later.
Once finished eating Ayaka insisted on opening presents, but I told her not until her papa wakes up.
Soon enough Giyuu woke up and came down the stairs. I gave him a morning kiss and a hug. He smiled at me and I have him his breakfast.
He made some snarky comment on how I didn't make it wrong or something and I just gave him a playful glare.
After he finished eating Ayaka begged to open the present. Eventually both Giyuu and I agreed and got to it.
Giyuu's pov:
Soon it was only the 'perfect gift' I had for Sabito.
"Here dad! This is the last one!" Ayaka handed the small little wrapped box to Sabito.
Sabito took it, smiling at her gently, then smiling at me, before opening it. When he got into the box he lifted the pretty earrings out of the box.
He admired them then switched them out for the ones he was wearing before.
"I love them Giyuu, thank you." Sabito smiled at me.
I smiled back and hugged him.
"Merry Christmas, my love." Sabito said while kissing my cheek.
"Merry Christmas, Sabito.."

2175 words.

UWAHH. How do we like this one? I love it so much <3. Lemme know what other stories ya wanna see me write. Also Im so sorry I never got to do a Halloween special 🙏 but as promised I got to do the Christmas one! Have a great Christmas and a great break from life!

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