You left me...

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No one pov:

"Be safe boys! And come back alive!" Urokodaki yelled at Sabito and Giyuu, who where finally heading to final selection after 3 hard years of training.

Giyuu just wouldn't let go of Sabito, clinging to his arm while they walked to final selection. Giyuu had just been scared a demon would attack them while they walked, and he always felt Sabito could protect him.

Sabito stopped and looked at Giyuu. "Should we stop and stay somewhere for the night? You look tired."

"I'm fine, Sabito." Giyuu said, not removing himself from Sabito's arm.

"Are you sure? Your scared aren't you." They both stopped, and turned to each other.

Giyuu's hand rested on Sabitos face, specifically on his scar.

"I'm fine, Sabito. You are strong enough to protect me anyways." Giyuu smiled.

Sabito blushed and just continued to walk to final selection.

Once arrival, they waited, they had been one of the first ones, another being a pink haired girl, who Giyuu approached. "Hello, how are you tonight?" He asked.

"Oh, me? I'm great! Kind of nervous though, my name is Mitsuri Kanroji by the way!" She beamed kindly towards Giyuu.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Giyuu Tomioka." Giyuu gently smiled back at her.

Sabito walked up to them, standing beside Giyuu.

"Hello." The peachette waved.

"Hi!" Mitsuri waved back.

"I see Yuu has already made a friend." The peachette lightly chuckled.

They both nodded in unison.

"How old are you?" Mitsuri asked the two.

"13." They both answered together.

"Do you two know each other? You seem close!" Mitsuri asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Yep, with each other most of our lives." Sabito answered.

Giyuu nodded.

"That's cool!" Mitsuri said.

"Welcome to final selection, and good evening. Tonight, you've come to enter the demon slayer corps." Two girls said in unison, one having white hair and the other having black.

"Demons have been captured alive by demon slayer corps member, and brought to final selection for this event." The white haired one said.

"The wisteria prevents them from leaving." The black haired one said.

"To complete final selection, you must survive beyond the protection of the wisteria for 7 days. Now, your trial begins." They both said.

Giyuu POV:

We all walked through the wisteria, and into final selection. Sabito and I agreed to stay together.

I clutched Sabitos arm while we walked through the forest. He was reassuring me that we would both make it out and I had nothing to worry about.

I wasn't worried about me dying, but Sabito. I knew it was unlikely because of how talented he was, but it was possible, and I was worried for it.

A demon pounced at me and I shrieked, it not being able to do much before it's head went flying off. I sighed and looked over at Sabito.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you!" He said smiling.

I blushed slightly.

We both heard the strangled scream of another boy. Sabito was the first to react, dashing to the sound. I followed as fast as I could, but he was much faster than me.

"What is that thing?!" The boy yelled, running away.

The huge mutated demons arm stretched out and grabbed the boys body, pulling it back.

Sabito quickly sliced the demons arm off.

Small time skip

"Giyuu run!" I heard Sabito yell.

The demons hand was about the grab my face before Sabito cut the hand off.

The boy from before grabbed me and started running away.

I screamed at him, telling him to let me go. He didn't let me go, while I kicked and screamed.

I watched in horror as Sabito faught the demon. He looked tired and out of breath.

"When we get older I'm going to marry Giyuu!" The small high pitched voice of  young Sabito said.

"You can't marry me Sabito, we're both boys, people can't do that." I said back, crossing my arms.

"Your going to be my wife one day Yuu!" He said once more.

This time I just chuckled.

"Whatever you say."

Why am I thinking of the now? Is it because... Sabito is about to die?!

I started kicking and screaming for him to let go again.

I never told him I want to marry him!

Right then and there, in front of my very own eyes, Sabitos face was squished....

732 words.

Don't worry, you will get a part 2 I'm not that cruel. But take that for now because I'm not writing the rest tonight when I'm tired and stressed.

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