The playboy that fixed my heart part 3

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Your awaited part 3.

No ones pov:

Giyuu hadn't been going to school, and all his homework was taking to him by Mitsuri, and returned by her also.

Giyuu was too emotional to even look at a picture of Sabito. And when he didn't, he tried to break his phone, yelling out the words "LIAR! LIAR! BACK STABBING FUCKING LIAR!"

Giyuu couldn't function correctly anymore, all he could do is cry. He barely ate and became even skinnier than before.

Giyuu pov:

I sobbed into my pillow, my heart still broken. I didn't think I would have actually cared if my heart was broken, but I cared, I cared so much. Sabito actually made me feel special... And now I'm crying in my bed because he broke my heart..

DAMMIT LIFE! WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH? I though while I cried into my pillow, clutching onto the sheets of my bed.

Just then I heard a knock at the door.

It's probably Mitsuri bringing me my homework...

I dried my eyes, and got up, opening the door.

When I opened it, I wasn't met eye to eye with them, instead I saw messy redish hair.

I looked down and saw Tanjiro staring up at me.

"Hello Tanjiro, what brings you here?" I tried sounding not depressed like I am, and more like my normal emotionless voice.

"Well, I want to talk to you about... The current situation." He said, his smiling dropping.

"And what is that? Something going on in your middle school?" I asked, not knowing what to think.

"No, about you, and... Fujikasane."

My eyes widened.

"How do you know about that?" I asked, kind of scared that he got told from Sa- Fujikasane and his story was that I was the bad guy.

"Well, Muichiro has his ways of knowing shit."

Muichiro? That long black haired boy?

I just nodded and walked back inside my small apartment, sitting down on one of the white sofas.

Tanjiro sat on the other sofa, looking at me.

"So, can I have more of the details? The full story maybe?"

I sighed, knowing he will get the story one way or another.

"S- Fujikasane invited me out for a first date, we enjoyed it and agreed to become friends, we went on other dates and became quite close. The day I was going to ask him out I overheard Shinazugawa and Sabi- Fujikasane in the boys change room, Shinazugawa said something like 'you have to break Tomiokas heart if you want the money' and Sab- Fujikasane must've heard me crying because he ran out to me and said the normal 'I can explain' thing. After I walked away I heard a loud 'FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!' So I went to go check it out. I saw Shinazugawa and Fujikasane wrestling on the floor, Fujikasane looking like he was winning until he made eye contact with me and lost focus, I ran away before something severe happened so I don't know the rest of the story."
(That's fucking long, damn)

Tanjiro thought for a moment. "Why do you think him and Shinazugawa were wrestling?"

"I don't know..."

"Well, maybe think about that one. But I bet Fujikasane cares a lot about you. You know how bitchy Shinazugawa can be sometimes." Tanjiro said.

I nodded.

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