How? Pt. 2

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The sun rose shining a bright blinding light into a little home out in the woods. Birds chirped loudly and some honked.
As the tree swished calmly in the summer wind particular crows were going all over the world delivering missions.
As leaves fell from trees, a particular boy thought the outside world was too loud.
Sabito slammed his face Into his futon.
Giyuu looked at the peach haired boy and chuckled.
The ravenette pat Sabito's back in comfort.
"Its not that bad y'know? If you really listen it's peaceful..." Giyuu said in a rather calm voice.
"I guess..." Sabito replied, but he still was tired.
Sabito decided that Giyuu was right so Sabito grabbed Giyuu in a tight bear hug, never going to let go...

Never going to let go..

"I care..."
Giyuu was too blinded by the tears to see who had caught him.
Everything was blury, all he saw was a tall muscular figure.
He groaned from the pressure on his arm.
He saw a soft look staring down at him, smiling wide.
As the person pulled him up, they also wiped away the tears in his eyes.
He looked to see who had caught him, and nonetheless, he was surprised.
Who had caught him was...
He thought he was dead, but turns out, the fearless, sweet, lavender eyed male, had caught him. "S-sa-sabi... How?" Giyuu trailed off from Sabito and just said how.
"That's not important, what is, is the fact I'm here with you now, and forever." Sabito smiled.
"N-no..! This is a dream! Payback for not protecting you... Please just don't make me go through this!" Giyuu yelled, tears streaming off his face as he looked into the sky.
"I promise you Giyuu I'm re- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Sabito screamed as Giyuu punched himself in the gut.
"Ow... Definitely... Re-al.." Giyuu winced.
Giyuu then realised, Sabito was right in front of him.
He ran to the peach haired boy and fell into his arms, tumbling them both to the ground.
"Don't ever leave me again!" The ravenette yelled directly at the peach haired man.
Sabito chuckled and looked deeply into the ravenettes eyes.
He got lost in the flooding pool of water they were.
It was like star gazing, once you started looking at the beautiful sight, you couldn't look away.
They stayed in that position for a moment more, just admiring each others features.
Sabitos lavender eyes we're like a solar system, that had yet to be explored.
Giyuu and sabito smiled at each other and then Sabito leaned forward, placing a kiss on Giyuus soft lips.
It was intoxicating.
Neither wanting to pull away.
When they did, Giyuu stuffed his face in Sabitos chest in embarrassment.
The peach haired man just chuckled and stroked his fingers through the Raven black hair.
They finally fell asleep, Giyuu with his head resting gently on Sabitos bulked up, hard chest.


The ravenette's eyes widened in disbelief, Theres no way... He thought.
"I know what your thinking, 'how are you alive?', I will answer that in a moment, but first.." Sabito took a step back and opened his arms, "come here." The pastel colored male said smiling warmly.
The ravenette bolted towards Sabito as quick as he could, not wasting a minute to get there.
As Giyuu reached him he had so much force, effectively toppling them over and onto the ground.
Sabito laughed at the ravenette's actions.
As Giyuu cried into Sabito's chest sabito pat his head saying stuff like 'Shh..  it's ok.' 'I'm here now.' 'I will always and forever be with you now.'
As the ocean blue eyed boy calmed down he gazed into the lavender eyes of his bestfriend confusingly.
"H-how, Ar-e you al-alive?"
Giyuu asked.
"That's a secret." Sabito winked.

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